Professor Judith Pascoe (George Mills Harper Professor of English, Florida State University) will speak on "Wuthering Heights, World Literature, and Japanese Child Readers" at the University of Tokyo on 6th February.
Professor Pascoe's talk will explore the continued popularity of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights in Japan, engaging with broader questions of reception history, the construction of childhood, cross-cultural exchange and the globalisation of literature. Location: University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus), Department of English Language and Literature, 5th floor of the graduate school of humanities and sociology (Building 3, room 3508). Time: 5pm - 6.30pm. Talk is open to all with no pre-registration required. An original Japanese play by John Williams (director of Sado Tempest and The Proceedings):
"Holes", an absurdist drama, inspired by the poem “A Ritual to Read to Each Other.” Sophia University Library (room 911), January 24th and 25th, 7pm (doors open 6.30pm). Free and no registration required. ------------ "A Ritual to Read to Each Other" (William Stafford) If you don't know the kind of person I am and I don't know the kind of person you are a pattern that others made may prevail in the world and following the wrong god home we may miss our star. ------------ ジョン・ウィリアムズ監督最新舞台作品 『穴』(HOLES)(実験的創作) 日時:2020年1月24日(金)/25日(土) 場所:上智大学中央図書館9階911号会議室 開演:19時(開場は18時半) 入場無料/日本語上演/事前予約不要 主催:上智大学ヨーロッパ研究所 問い合わせ:[email protected] 毎週水曜日の夜にウィリアムズ監督を中心に開催して来た俳優のための定期的な「ラボ」を通して、この作品は生まれました。ウィリアムズ監督の映画『審判』に出演した多くの俳優の他、上智大学の学生俳優たちも出演します。 この作品は、ウィリアム・スタフォード・クラークの次の詩から着想を得ています。 |
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020