An Informal Round Table Discussion & Wine with Dr Sarah Olive: 'Shakespeare Education in Japan for the New Era' This is an announcement of a study meeting on the topic of "Shakespeare Education in Japan for the New Era" to be held at Toyo University, with Dr Sarah Olive (University of York / Visiting Professor of Toyo University for 2019)
This meeting will be very informal, and all participants will be invited to freely exchange ideas & information on this topic from their professional and pedagogical perspectives in a relaxed atmosphere. Anyone interested in Sarah's recent research and/or in creating a research network is welcome. Participants might expect to hear updates on Sarah’s recent research on Shakespeare in East Asian education, Vietnamese education and popular culture. Please book a place by email to Hirohisa Igarashi ([email protected]) by 14 May. Details: Thursday, 23 May 2019, 14.45-17.30 Toyo University Hakusan Campus (Graduate School Seminar Room 7 [8号館5階大学院 セミナー室7]) & Tres Dining) Organiser: Hirohisa Igarashi (Toyo University) Programme: Part 1: An Informal Round Table Discussion (14.45-16.00) Venue: Toyo University Hakusan Campus, Building 8 (Graduate School Seminar Room 7 [8号館5階大学院セミナー室]) (Link) Part 2: Wine Party (16.00-17.30) Venue: Hakusan Tres Dining (Link) Fee: About 3,000 yen (to be collected at the door) |
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February 2020