Highlights from the humanities calendar in Tokyo this week: Professor Paul Anderer (Columbia University) will be giving two talks on Akira Kurosawa and "Rashomon", based on his new book, "Kurosawa’s Rashomon: A Vanished City, a Lost Brother, and the Voice Inside His Iconic Films. Saturday 10th also sees the first of a three-part "Novelists and Newspapers" lecture series, with talks at the University of Tokyo on Australian inter-war magazines and Dr Doolittle. Other topics: Michelin-starred restaurants, Adam Smith, world literature. D'Annunzio, the U.S. South, hip-hop, and two free film screenings... See below for a complete list. 6/5 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第2回研究会 (Research presentation on journal records of the Islamic world), Toyo Bunko, 5pm **6/5 - Crystyl Mo, "Chefs, Trends, and Tastes at the World’s Best Restaurants and Beyond", Sophia University ICC, 6pm **6/5 - Brian Locke, "Racial Triangulation: Japan and the Cultural Politics of Hollywood's White and Black Buddy Film", UTokyo IASA, 4pm **6/5 - Jana K. Lipman (Tulane U.), "Guam to Palawan: Opposing Narratives of Vietnamese Repatriation, 1975 and 1995", UTokyo Centre for Pacific and American Studies, 6.30pm 6/5 - Jeannie N. Shinozuka, "Plants, Pathogens, and Empire: Race Across the Pacific in the Early 20th Century", Sophia University Institute of American and Canadian Studies, 5pm **6/6 - Film screening: Tito’s Glasses (Titos Brille) (with English subtitles), Sophia University, 6pm **6/6 - Paul Anderer, "Kurosawa's Rashomon", Waseda, 4.30pm 6/6 - 「メソポタミアの混乱― アリ監督に聞く「戦争と生きる力」―」ショートフィルム上映会&講演会, Gakushuin University, 4.30pm 6/7 - Masahiro Yamada (Claremont Graduate University), "Troubles with Constitutivism in Epistemology (and Ethics)", presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm **6/7 - Nan Elizabeth Woodruff (Pennsylvania), "Living With The Everyday Legacies of Violence: Race, History, Memory, and Trauma in the U.S. South", Meiji Gakuin, 6pm **6.7 - Catherine Denys (Lille), "The Port Louis Police Office in the Ile de France (Mauritius) 1767-89: Parisian model and colonial adaptations", TUFS, 12.40pm 6/8 - Nicholas Phillipson (Edinburgh), "Adam Smith in Context; A Historian's Reflections", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 3pm 6/8 - Screening of Iranian film (I'm Taraneh) and Q&A with director, TUFS, 7pm **6/8 - Mengxiao Wang, "Journey of a Buddhist Play: The Reception History of Guiyuan jing on the Page and the Stage, 1650~1949", UTokyo IASA, 5pm **6/8 - James McNally, Across the Atlantic: A cultural history of hip-hop's early years in London, TUFS, 5.45pm **6/8 - Andrea Revelant, Ca’ Foscari University, "Revolution and Empire: the Northern Expedition in the Japanese Press, 1926-28" 6/9 - "The 'DNA' of Literature: World Literature and Modern Japanese Literature" (文学の‛DNA’―世界文学と日本近代文学), National Institute of Japanese Literature 6/9 - Paul Anderer, "The Brothers Kurosawa", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 5pm 6/10 - "Sacred Sight, Sacred Sound" Lecture Conference (曼荼羅をきく・アヴェ・マリアをみる), International Christian University, 2pm 6/10 - 早稲田大学東洋哲学会 第34回大会 (Waseda University Asian Philosophy 34th Conference) *6/10 - Bernard Shaw Society of Japan conference, including paper by Nicholas R. Williams ("A Theatrical Web of Obscure Events and Equally Obscure Characterizations: An Interpretation of Too True to Be Good (1932)"), Jumonji University Sugamo Satellite campus, 1.30pm 6/10 -村松真理子, Who was D'Annunzio? (ダンヌンツィオとは誰だったのか?), UTalk Cafe Event, University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall **6/10 - David and Anna Sapir Abulafia double presentation, "How to Write the History of the Sea" and "The Contested Seed of Abraham", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 1.10pm **6/10 - David Carter (Queensland), "Literary Celebrity in Newspapers and Magazines: Australia between the Wars", and Peter Robinson (JWU), "Capricious Captioning and Narrative Instability: Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle Newspaper Illustrations", University of Tokyo, 2pm 6/11 - Meiji Gakuin concert series (明治学院コンサート・シリーズ 第91回 ≪ブラームスのハ短調≫), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm 6/11 - "Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art", ILCAA Joint Research Project seminar, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1pm 6/6 - 9/24 - Arcimboldo Exhibition, National Museum of Western Art 6/9 - 7/6 - Group Show of Contemporary Artists 2017, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 6/10 - 8/8 - World Press Photo 17, Tokyo Photographic Museum Too many to list! See our list of ongoing exhibitions and drama.
Something for everyone this week: "fake news" at Sophia, traditional Japanese colours at Rikkyo, Japan's geopolitical power, separate events on Chinese cinema and Tibetan film, the philosophy of sound... The two towering figures of Japanese literary studies, Soseki and Shakespeare, each receive their own events (both in Japanese): a "World Literature and Soseki" symposium at Chuo University, and a Shakespeare Festival at Meiji, with one of the plenaries looking back at Yukio Ninagawa's life. Opening this week: Bruegel's "The Tower of Babel" at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum: in fact this is the so-called "little" Tower of Babel (60 cm by 75 cm) rather than the larger version in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, although they have an enlarged reproduction as well as a 3D computer graphics version. This is really a 16th-century Dutch art exhibition, with a number of pieces exploring the gradual transition from religious art to still life and landscape during this period. Hieronymus Bosch is also represented, with two works including "The Pedlar" (c. 1500, above). Lectures 4/17 - (Japanese) Sino-Japanese Relations in the Age of Trump (トランプ時代の日中関係), Waseda, 2.45pm **4/17 - Mats Berdal (KCL) - "The Future of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Afghanistan", United Nations University, 6.30pm **4/17 - "Powerful or powerless Japan? Investigating the full extent of the world's third-largest power", Guibourg Delamotte (French Institute of Oriental Studies), Temple University, 12.30pm *4/18 - Studying LGBTQ issues from the situation in America (多様な生き方を受容すること:LGBTQをめぐる米国の状況から), Waseda University, 16:30pm 4/18 (French) - Le rôle et l’influence des femmes dans les Jeux Olympiques de 2020, French Institute Tokyo, 7pm **4/19 - Tim Bayne, "Ensemble Perception, Perceptual Judgement and the Contents of Visual Experience", UTokyo TFAP, time TBA **4/19 - Shobhana Radhakrishna and Ravi Chopra, "Transformational Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and its relevance in contemporary world", TUFS, 10.10am **4/19 - Robert Horres, "Traditional Colors in Japan", Rikkyo University, 6.30pm **4/21 - Guillermo Wilde, "In the Limits of Missionary Knowledge and Practice: Indigenous rites and beliefs in comparative perspective", Waseda University, 10.40am **4/21 - David Schlesinger, "News, the Media, Entertainment, Information, and Fakery", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm 4/21 (Japanese) - Intermediatheque discussion - On Actors (俳優を語る), 6pm *4/22 - Shakespeare Festival (シェクスピア祭), Meiji University (http://www.s-sj.org/?p=3551) 4/22 - (Chinese language) seminar on independent Chinese films (現代中国インディペンデント映画の最前線――顧桃監督・応亮監督を迎えて), Waseda University, 2.50pm 4/22 - Emmanuel Cattin (Sorbonne), lecture in French on 「神の威光―エーリッヒ・プシュヴァラとマルティン・ハイデガーの思索の狭間で」(Majestas Dei: Erich Przywara and Martin Heidegger), Sophia University, 2pm 4/22 - English literature and Natsume Soseki symposium (夏目漱石と世界文学), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会館, 2pm 4/22 - Ruskin and Music (ラスキンと音楽), Ruskin Bunko Spring Symposium, 2pm (includes musical performance) *4/22 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (2), TUFS, 12:30pm *4/23 - "Performing Arts and Philosophy (3): Towards a Philosophy of Sound" (Peter Brotzmann / Paal Nilsen-Love / Toshinori Kondo, Senshu University, 3pm Exhibitions and Drama until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque
until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection until 4/27 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 2: Japanese Antiquarian Books", Waseda University Library until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum until 5/7 - "Dawn of Japanese Photography: The Anthology", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum until 5/7 - "Utagawa Kuniyoshi: His Pictorial Elegance in the 21st Century", Fuchu Art Museum until 5/14 - Exhibition by photojournalist Hiromi Nagakura ("crawl and run towards the future"), Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Ebisu until 5/14 - "Picture Scroll Enthusiasts" (絵巻マニア列伝), Suntory Museum of Art until 5/18 - Laura Lieverani: Ainu Exhibition, Italian Cultural Institute until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno until 5/27 - The World of Imperial Costume (宮廷装束の世界), Gakushuin University until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo",University of Tokyo Museum until 5/28 - "Animals in Ukiyo-e", Ota Memorial Museum of Art until 6/4 - "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan", Tokyo National Museum (Ueno) until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art until 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery until 6/25 - "The Elegant Other: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Fashion and Art", Yokohama Museum of Art until 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo until 7/2 - Exhibition on "Bruegel's ‘The Tower of Babel'", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h29_babel.html) until 9/3 - "Geodaisia – Modern Cartography from Tadataka Ino to Remote Sensing", Intermediatheque until 9/24 - "The Art of Disney - The Magic of Animation", Miraikan until 1/21/2018 - "Treasures from Foreign Lands - The Jewelry of Desert Tribes", Intermediatheque A reminder about an international conference this coming Saturday and Sunday (15-16 April) on "The Aesthetics of (Im)perfection" at the University of Tokyo: see here for flier and details. Other highlights this week include talks from the composer David Toop, the architect Sou Fujimoto, the novelist Jami Nakamura Lin, and the German Japanologist Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit. Waseda has a (timely) talk on the Trump presidency and the Middle East, and Temple University hosts a fascinating-looking symposium on nuclear disaster and narrative, "Hibakusha Memories and Mythologies". If the Marvel Exhibition doesn't appeal, there are a number of new museum and art gallery exhibitions to choose from, including "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan" at Tokyo National Museum, a lavishly-funded survey of tea ceremony from the Muromachi period to the present day. Finally, opening on the 15th at Yokohama Museum of art is a study of cross-cultural encounters between Japan and the West through the medium of fashion, "The Elegant Other": the exhibition particularly focuses on the period after the "opening" of Japan in the 1850s, as kimono were exported to the West, inspiring paintings like Monet's "La Japonaise" (1876), above (the subject is actually Monet's wife, Camille, wearing a blonde wig). Lectures and conferences
(** = in English, * = partly in English, or translation provided) 4/10 - (Italian/Japanese) Conferenza “L’architettura che unisce”, Italian Institute of Culture 4/10 - (Japanese) Sou Fujimoto - "City, Design, Landscape, Public Space, Variety of Scale, Theme and Relationship with Society", International House of Japan, 7pm 4/11 - Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, 「美とアイデンティティーグローバル化時代の文化的自己主張」, University of Tokyo, 7.30pm **4/12 - Mariko Nagai and Robert Jacobs, "Narrative Histories of Nuclear Disaster: Hibakusha Memories and Mythologies", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm **4/12 - Tony Chan (President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), "HKUST, Rising Asia and Global Impact", Keio University, 3.40pm **4/13 - Artist Forum - Jami Nakamura Lin (Chicago-based author) reads from her novel-in-progress "The Sin Eaters", International House of Japan, 7pm **4/13 - Antonella Ceccagno (Bologna), "City Making and Global Labor Regimes: Chinese Immigrants in Prato, Italy", Waseda University, 5pm **4/14 - Matthew Gray (Waseda), "What will the Trump presidency mean for the Middle East?", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm **4/14 - David Toop (composer and musician), "Boundaries of Practice Based on Learning", Tokyo University of the Arts, 5.30pm *4/15 - Japanese Association for American History Master's Thesis forum, Aoyama Gakuin Women's College, 2pm *4/15 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (1) - 12:30pm **4/15 - Alexander Likhotal, "Russia as part of Europe or apart from Europe?", Temple University Japan, 3pm **4/15 - 4/16 - "(Im)perfectionist Aesthetics", international symposium at Komaba Campus, UTokyo 4/16 - Symposium on Sri Lankan society (日常的実践からみるスリランカ社会), TUFS, 1pm New exhibitions 4/10 - 4/27 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 2: Japanese Antiquarian Books", Waseda University Library 4/11 - 6/4 - "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan", Tokyo National Museum (Ueno) 4/14 - 9/3 - "Geodaisia – Modern Cartography from Tadataka Ino to Remote Sensing", Intermediatheque 4/15 - 6/25 - "The Elegant Other: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Fashion and Art", Yokohama Museum of Art Exhibitions and drama until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque until 4/16 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery until 4/16 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo",University of Tokyo Museum until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art until 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery until 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo until 9/24 - "The Art of Disney - The Magic of Animation", Miraikan until 1/21/2018 - "Treasures from Foreign Lands - The Jewelry of Desert Tribes", Intermediatheque Happy cherry blossom season to everyone! A slightly quiet week ahead on the lecture front, although there are still talks on Donald Trump (a popular topic this year!); public art in the digital age; the Jesuits in Latin America; Bertrand Russell; and two lectures by Dr Katarzyna Starczewska on 16th century Islam-Christian relations. Also, visits by two novelists: Mari Akasaka (author of Vibrator and Muse) and the Italian crime fiction writer Sandrone Dazieri.
Waseda University, which has one of the largest collections of Papua New Guinean artwork in Japan, has put it on display: "Meeting with Papua New Guinea" features over a thousand items, including earthware, weapons, and religious artefacts. New exhibitions are opening on Marvel superheroes and the contemporary Japanese house, and this week is also the last chance to see the "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century" exhibition, which is great. Congratulations also to Barnaby Ralph, Angela Kikue Davenport, and Yui Nakatsuma, who have just brought out "London in Literature, 1603-1901", a Festschrift volume dedicated to the Dickensian scholar Eiichi Hara. Talks (** = event in English; * = partly in English or translation provided) **4/4 - Javier Perez Jara, "The Feet of Clay underlying Bertrand Russell's Critiques of Idealism", UTokyo TFAP, 5pm (?) **4/4 - Joseph A. Kéchichian, "Donald Trump and the Middle East", TUFS, 6pm **4/5 - "#vivalarevolucíon: New Millennium Political Protests", Temple University, 7pm 4/5 (Italian) - discussion with the Italian crime fiction writer Sandrone Dazieri, Italian Institute of Culture Tokyo, 6.30pm **4/7 - Martin Zebracki, "Whither Digital Public Art? The Question of Amphibian Matter", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.45pm **4/7 - Guillermo Wilde, "Religious Conversion and the formation of Space-Time categories in the Borderland Missions", Waseda University, 10.40am **4/7 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "The Qur'ān as an authority in Christian polemics against the Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Europe", Keio University Mita Campus, 4.30pm **4/8 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "Philology and Forced Conversion: The Role of Learned Converts in Qur'ānic translations in 16th-century Spain and Italy", Keio University Mita Campus, 2pm 4/8 - (Japanese) Mari Akasaka (赤坂真理), America and Japan and Me (アメリカと日本と私), Tokyo American Literature Society special lecture, Keio Mita Campus, 2pm Exhibitions and drama until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque until 4/4 - Food design exhibition: "Jikifu: A Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", Intermediatheque until 4/5 - Treasures of the Waseda University Library exhibition until 4/5 - Seize the Uncertain Day (ふたしかなその日), Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum until 4/9 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf) until 4/9 - Exhibition on cherry blossom in Rome (ローマの花見), Italian Cultural Centre until 4/9 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum until 4/16 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery until 4/16 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo",University of Tokyo Museum until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo 4/7 - 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View 4/8 - 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo until 1/21/2018 - "Treasures from Foreign Lands - The Jewelry of Desert Tribes", Intermediatheque Another packed and diverse week of events, coinciding with the opening of the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. One major new exhibition should probably not be missed by anyone studying 16th to 18th century European culture: "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum" (Mori Arts Center Gallery, until 18 June), featuring a large collection of paintings from the collection of Catherine the Great (including Titian, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Gainsborough's "Portrait of a Lady in Blue", above).
On the lecture front: tomorrow (Monday) is the University of Tokyo English Society annual meeting, featuring a farewell lecture by the head of department, Professor Noriko Imanishi. On the 23rd begins a major international conference at Gakushuin on the "History of Consumer Objects", featuring plenaries from Maxine Berg and Lawrence Klein. In addition, David Attwell from the University of York will be giving two lectures at UTokyo Komaba on J.M. Coetzee. Other topics this week include arts and robotics, hate speech, Japanese indie bands, Alfonso Mucha, and another really fascinating-looking experimental film at Intermediatheque: see the complete list below for details. Also, check out the redesigned "What's on Next" page on our website: it has been rearranged to make events easier to see, with art exhibitions now on a separate page of their own. Lectures and conferences (* = partly in English. ** = main language of event is English) 3/20 - "Signature de la vie: arts et robotique", Franco-Japanese Forum, University of Tokyo, 2pm 3/20 - University of Tokyo English Society Annual Meeting (東大英文学会総会) - including farewell lecture by Professor Noriko Imanishi (今西典子先生). Flier for the event 3/20 - Symposium on the future of history teaching (歴史教育に関するシンポジウム9, Nihon University, 12.30pm (https://www.chs.nihon-u.ac.jp/information/20170320/) 3/21 - Half-day workshop "Japonya’da Sohbet-i Osmaniye-3" (on 17th - 19th century Ottoman Empire), Chiba University, 3.30pm (http://earlymodernstate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2017/01/3-japonyada-soh.html) **3/21 - Vivian Shaw, "Hate Speech and the Gendered Burden of Care: Anti-Discrimination Politics in Japan", Sophia U Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm 3/21 - Japanese Learners' Debate, TUFS, 12:15pm **3/21 - "The End of the Global Rule of Law?", conversation with Andrew Hurrell, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford (United Nations University, 6.30pm) *3/22 - "Dynamics in Middle Eastern Societies During the Mongol Period", symposium at UTokyo IASA, 13:30, **3/23-03/25 - History of Consumer Culture: Objects, Desire, Sociability conference, Gakushuin University, Tokyo (http://www-cc.gakushuin.ac.jp/~20070019/HCC2017cfp.html) **3/24 - J. M. Coetzee’s The Schooldays of Jesus (2016), workshop with Professor David Attwell, Komaba Campus UTokyo, Building 18 1st Floor, 3pm. 3/24 - Film screening - "EXPRMNTL 1963 – Japanese Experimental Film in Blossom", 18:00, Intermediatheque **3/25 - "The Comedy of Seriousness in J.M. Coetzee", lecture by Professor David Attwell, Komaba Campus UTokyo, Building 18 4th Floor, 1pm. Followed by a special panel on Coetzee and Zoe Wicomb. **3/25 - "From Idols to Indie Bands- Explore the Japanese Music Scene with Music Writer Ian F. Martin", Kinokuniya Tokyo, 3pm 3/25 - Tokyo American Literature Society (日本アメリカ文学会東京支部) meeting, Keio University Mita Campus, 1pm 3/25 - Contested Concepts in Modern Japanese Philosophy, Toyo Bunko, 2pm (Japanese) 3/26 - Seminar on comparative study of etiquette history in East Asia (東アジアにおける比較儀礼史の研究), Ochanomizu University, 11am Art exhibitions and drama until 3/26 - "Matisse et Rouault" exhibition, Shiodome Museum (http://panasonic.co.jp/…/museum/exh…/17/170114/index_en.html) until 3/26 - "Murmur and Tumult. Masterpieces of Nabis from the Musee d’Orsay", Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque until 3/20 - Performance of Dacia Maraini's "Mary Stewart" at the Bunkaza Theatre, Shin-moriya Building until 4/1 - Performance of August Strindberg's Miss Julie / Dance of Death, Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon (http://www.bunkamura.co.jp/english/cocoon/20170310.html) until 4/2 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h28_titian.html) until 4/2 - "Revisiting Siebold's Japan Museum", Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture until 4/4 - Food design exhibition: "Jikifu: A Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", Intermediatheque until 4/5 - Treasures of the Waseda University Library exhibition until 4/5 - Seize the Uncertain Day (ふたしかなその日), Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum until 4/9 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf) until 4/9 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum until 4/16 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery until 4/16 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo",University of Tokyo Museum until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery |
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020