Highlights from the humanities calendar in Tokyo this week: Professor Paul Anderer (Columbia University) will be giving two talks on Akira Kurosawa and "Rashomon", based on his new book, "Kurosawa’s Rashomon: A Vanished City, a Lost Brother, and the Voice Inside His Iconic Films. Saturday 10th also sees the first of a three-part "Novelists and Newspapers" lecture series, with talks at the University of Tokyo on Australian inter-war magazines and Dr Doolittle. Other topics: Michelin-starred restaurants, Adam Smith, world literature. D'Annunzio, the U.S. South, hip-hop, and two free film screenings... See below for a complete list. 6/5 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第2回研究会 (Research presentation on journal records of the Islamic world), Toyo Bunko, 5pm **6/5 - Crystyl Mo, "Chefs, Trends, and Tastes at the World’s Best Restaurants and Beyond", Sophia University ICC, 6pm **6/5 - Brian Locke, "Racial Triangulation: Japan and the Cultural Politics of Hollywood's White and Black Buddy Film", UTokyo IASA, 4pm **6/5 - Jana K. Lipman (Tulane U.), "Guam to Palawan: Opposing Narratives of Vietnamese Repatriation, 1975 and 1995", UTokyo Centre for Pacific and American Studies, 6.30pm 6/5 - Jeannie N. Shinozuka, "Plants, Pathogens, and Empire: Race Across the Pacific in the Early 20th Century", Sophia University Institute of American and Canadian Studies, 5pm **6/6 - Film screening: Tito’s Glasses (Titos Brille) (with English subtitles), Sophia University, 6pm **6/6 - Paul Anderer, "Kurosawa's Rashomon", Waseda, 4.30pm 6/6 - 「メソポタミアの混乱― アリ監督に聞く「戦争と生きる力」―」ショートフィルム上映会&講演会, Gakushuin University, 4.30pm 6/7 - Masahiro Yamada (Claremont Graduate University), "Troubles with Constitutivism in Epistemology (and Ethics)", presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm **6/7 - Nan Elizabeth Woodruff (Pennsylvania), "Living With The Everyday Legacies of Violence: Race, History, Memory, and Trauma in the U.S. South", Meiji Gakuin, 6pm **6.7 - Catherine Denys (Lille), "The Port Louis Police Office in the Ile de France (Mauritius) 1767-89: Parisian model and colonial adaptations", TUFS, 12.40pm 6/8 - Nicholas Phillipson (Edinburgh), "Adam Smith in Context; A Historian's Reflections", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 3pm 6/8 - Screening of Iranian film (I'm Taraneh) and Q&A with director, TUFS, 7pm **6/8 - Mengxiao Wang, "Journey of a Buddhist Play: The Reception History of Guiyuan jing on the Page and the Stage, 1650~1949", UTokyo IASA, 5pm **6/8 - James McNally, Across the Atlantic: A cultural history of hip-hop's early years in London, TUFS, 5.45pm **6/8 - Andrea Revelant, Ca’ Foscari University, "Revolution and Empire: the Northern Expedition in the Japanese Press, 1926-28" 6/9 - "The 'DNA' of Literature: World Literature and Modern Japanese Literature" (文学の‛DNA’―世界文学と日本近代文学), National Institute of Japanese Literature 6/9 - Paul Anderer, "The Brothers Kurosawa", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 5pm 6/10 - "Sacred Sight, Sacred Sound" Lecture Conference (曼荼羅をきく・アヴェ・マリアをみる), International Christian University, 2pm 6/10 - 早稲田大学東洋哲学会 第34回大会 (Waseda University Asian Philosophy 34th Conference) *6/10 - Bernard Shaw Society of Japan conference, including paper by Nicholas R. Williams ("A Theatrical Web of Obscure Events and Equally Obscure Characterizations: An Interpretation of Too True to Be Good (1932)"), Jumonji University Sugamo Satellite campus, 1.30pm 6/10 -村松真理子, Who was D'Annunzio? (ダンヌンツィオとは誰だったのか?), UTalk Cafe Event, University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall **6/10 - David and Anna Sapir Abulafia double presentation, "How to Write the History of the Sea" and "The Contested Seed of Abraham", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 1.10pm **6/10 - David Carter (Queensland), "Literary Celebrity in Newspapers and Magazines: Australia between the Wars", and Peter Robinson (JWU), "Capricious Captioning and Narrative Instability: Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle Newspaper Illustrations", University of Tokyo, 2pm 6/11 - Meiji Gakuin concert series (明治学院コンサート・シリーズ 第91回 ≪ブラームスのハ短調≫), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm 6/11 - "Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art", ILCAA Joint Research Project seminar, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1pm 6/6 - 9/24 - Arcimboldo Exhibition, National Museum of Western Art 6/9 - 7/6 - Group Show of Contemporary Artists 2017, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 6/10 - 8/8 - World Press Photo 17, Tokyo Photographic Museum Too many to list! See our list of ongoing exhibitions and drama.
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020