As this next week is Golden Week and most people are away on holiday... there are predictably almost no academic talks or conferences in Tokyo!
This being the internet, though, where voids are filled with pictures of cute cats, we thought it would be a good time to mention the just-opened fukuneko (lucky cat) exhibition at Meguro Gajoen's historic pavilion (Japanese site here), which features over 1,000 examples of "neko art", including from the Heian and Edo periods (Utagawa Kuniyoshi, the ukiyo-e painter, was a noted cat lover). If cats don't appeal (and why not?), you might want to check out our list of the over 35 other humanities-related exhibitions on in Tokyo over Golden Week: including Eric Carle's art, early Japanese photography, the London Natural History Museum, novelists in early American newspapers, and the tea ceremony. (If you go to any of them, why not send us a review for the blog?) A relaxing Golden Week to everyone! |
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February 2020