Hope everyone is enjoying the fine weather this weekend! The presentations in Tokyo this week have an unusually theoretical emphasis: topics include neo-Kantian history, the philosophy of sound, structural realism, sustainable curating, time, narrative technique, and Haruki Murakami on the art of translating. Also, Tokyo University of the Arts has an interesting-looking workshop on the London Olympic Games and its implications for Tokyo 2020. New exhibitions include a retrospective (photo above) of the fashion photographer and colour pioneer Saul Leiter (1923 - 2013), a leading figure of the post-war "New York School" of photography, at the Bunkamura; a Komaba museum exhibition on the "Golden Age" of pre-war serializations of novels in newspapers; and an Italian film festival beginning this week at the Asahi Hall. Also - for fans of The Very Hungry Caterpillar - the Eric Carle exhibition just opened at Setagaya Art Museum. As ever, if this is your first time to the Tokyo Humanities website, welcome and please take a look around (especially the "Cafe" page, for our new event in June): the site is three months old this week and keeps growing and adding new content. Feedback or information about events is always very welcome. Talks *4/23 - "Performing Arts and Philosophy (3): Towards a Philosophy of Sound" (Peter Brotzmann / Paal Nilsen-Love / Toshinori Kondo, Senshu University, 3pm **4/24 - Yi Mo (Oxford), "Modernity and Historicity in the Thought of Maruyama Masao", University of Tokyo GJS Seminar, 5pm **4/24 - Paul R. Viotti (Denver), “Structural Realism–Intellectual and Experiential Sources of the Ideas Underlying Kenneth Waltz’s Theoretical Work”, Sophia, 1.30pm 4/25 - Michelle Lim, "Uncertain Economies: Some Notes on Sustainable Curating", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.30pm **4/26 - Giuliano Torrengo (Milan) presentation on "The Flow of Time", and Tim Bayne (Monash) on "Ensemble Perception, Perceptual Judgement and the Contents Of Visual Experience", Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5-7pm 4/27 - (Japanese) Haruki Murakami discusses translation with Motoyuki Shibata, Kinokuniya Southern Theatre Takashimaya, 7pm 4/27 - (Japanese) "Reconsidering Postwar Japan" (日本の戦後を問い返す), Rikkyo University, 6.30pm 4/27 - Workshop: "Two Olympic Cities: London and Tokyo", Tokyo University of the Arts, 1pm 4/27 (Japanese) 「世界文学に触れる」特別講演会 星野智幸さんを迎えて」, TUFS, 4pm 4/28 - Brian Boyd (Auckland), "Do Austen and Tolstoy need narrators? Does anyone?", UTokyo (Hongo Campus, Slavic Seminar Room, 7th floor, Faculty of Letters Bldg No.3), 4.50pm 4/29 - Meiji Gakuin Concert Series 90th recital, 4pm Exhibitions opening this week 4/29 - 6/24 - Saul Leiter retrospective, Bunkamura Theatre, Shibuya 4/29 - 6/18 - "Adolf Wölfli: A Kingdom of 25,000 Pages", Tokyo Station Gallery 4/29 - 9/19 - "ut pictura poesis - 詩は絵のように", Setagaya Literary Museum 4/29 - 6/25 - "Novelists and Newspapers: The Golden Age 1900 - 1939", Komaba Museum 4/29 - 5/6 - Italian Film Festival Tokyo (イタリア映画祭2017), Yurakucho Asahi Hall Ongoing exhibitions until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque
until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection until 4/27 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 2: Japanese Antiquarian Books", Waseda University Library until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum until 5/7 - "Dawn of Japanese Photography: The Anthology", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum until 5/7 - "Utagawa Kuniyoshi: His Pictorial Elegance in the 21st Century", Fuchu Art Museum until 5/14 - Exhibition by photojournalist Hiromi Nagakura ("crawl and run towards the future"), Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Ebisu until 5/14 - "Picture Scroll Enthusiasts" (絵巻マニア列伝), Suntory Museum of Art until 5/18 - Laura Lieverani: Ainu Exhibition, Italian Cultural Institute until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno until 5/25 - Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum until 5/27 - The World of Imperial Costume (宮廷装束の世界), Gakushuin University until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo",University of Tokyo Museum until 5/28 - "Animals in Ukiyo-e", Ota Memorial Museum of Art until 6/4 - "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan", Tokyo National Museum (Ueno) until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art until 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery until 6/25 - "The Elegant Other: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Fashion and Art", Yokohama Museum of Art until 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo until 7/2 - "The Sophisticated Women and Men of Edo as Seen in Their Kimonos and Accessories", Tobacco and Salt Museum until 7/2 - The Art of Eric Carle, Setagaya Art Museum until 7/2 - Exhibition on "Bruegel's ‘The Tower of Babel'", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h29_babel.html) until 9/3 - "Geodaisia – Modern Cartography from Tadataka Ino to Remote Sensing", Intermediatheque until 9/24 - "The Art of Disney - The Magic of Animation", Miraikan until 1/21/2018 - "Treasures from Foreign Lands - The Jewelry of Desert Tribes", Intermediatheque |
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February 2020