This Tuesday 28th sees Professor George Hughes's final lecture in Tokyo at the University of Tokyo English Poetry society (from 1pm; lecture at 4pm), on Alexander Pope's "Eloisa to Abelard" (1717). Pope's story of violent love - doomed by vengeful parental castration and monastic imprisonment - became one of the eighteenth century's most enduringly popular poems, translated into many European languages and an important influence on the Gothic and Romantic traditions. It also encouraged a trend for clandestine correspondence between young lovers: Soon as thy letters trembling I unclose, That well-known name awakens all my woes. Oh name for ever sad! for ever dear! Still breath'd in sighs, still usher'd with a tear ... Also on this week: a talk from the former editor of the economist, Bill Emmott, on Brexit and Trump; a workshop on the academic novel, David Damrosch (Harvard) on Japan in world literature, modern Malaysian history, the French Romantic painter Théodore Chassériau, and a British Council language-learning workshop on British versus American English. * = partly in English, or translation provided ** = event in English lectures **27 Feb 2017 - "New Perspectives on Modern Malay(sian) History", TUFS, 4pm **27 Feb - 1 March - David Damrosch, series of lectures on "Japanese Literature in the World", University of Tokyo *28 Feb 2017 - UTokyo English Poetry Society (英詩研究会) meeting, Hongo Campus, Department of English Dictionary Room (文学部3号館、英文辞書室(5F)) 13:30. Meeting includes talk in English by Professor George Hughes titled "Eloisa to Abelard" ー Alexander Pope" from 16:00. **28 Feb 2017 - Kourken Michaelian (U Otago), "The Epistemology of Generative Memory", UTokyo TFAP ( 2 Mar 2017 - Vincent Pomarède (Musée du Louvre), “Chassériau and Nature” (French lecture with Japanese translation), National Museum of Western Art ( **2 Mar 2017 - Bill Emmott, lecture on "Brexit, Trump and threats to the liberal international order: what Japan and the UK can do", Japan-British Society, 18:30 (4,000 yen for non-members) **2 March 2017 - "Traveling Ethics Textbooks in East Asia", Professor Nam Nguyen (Vietnam National U), 33rd GJS Seminar, University of Tokyo IASA 4 Mar 2017 - Workshop on the academic novel (大学という物語 ― Academic Novelを中心に), 3pm, Soundings English Literary Association ( 4 Mar 2017 - British English vs American English Workshop (イギリス英語vs.アメリカ英語 ワークショップ), British Council, 18:30 ( exhibitions and drama until 3 Mar 2017 - Exhibition on Christian icons and prayer aids (キリスト教信仰のかたち―祈りの道具にみる多様性―), Kokugakuin University Museum ( until 5 Mar 2017 - "World Book Design" exhibition at the Printing Museum, Tokyo (…/…/161203/img/zoom.pdf) until 11 March 2017 - "Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists", TUFS ( until 26 March - "Matisse et Rouault" exhibition, Shiodome Museum (…/museum/exh…/17/170114/index_en.html) until 26 March - "Murmur and Tumult. Masterpieces of Nabis from the Musee d’Orsay", Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum until 2 April 2017 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum ( until 2 April - "Revisiting Siebold's Japan Museum", Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture *until 9 April 2017 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko ( until 9 April 2017 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum until 16 April 2017 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery until 28 May 2017 - Exhibition on "Théodore Chassériau : Parfum exotique", National Museum of Western Art ( 8 March to 5 June 2017 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo 8 April to 25 June 2017 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French architect" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery until 11 June 2017 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, |
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February 2020