Looking for ways to spend the spring vacation? We have a plethora of events on in Tokyo this week, including recently-opened exhibitions on Kyosai, Japanese tea ceremony utensils, 18th century Tokyo/Beijing, and postwar Tokyo - not to mention ongoing events on Titian, Matisse, and N.S. Harsha. In theatre: August Strindberg's Miss Julie / Dance of Death is on at the Bunkamura. (The image above is from the display on Shinichiro Ogata's food design and "Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", opening on the 9th at Intermediatheque).
On the lecture side, there are several events on American politics, including Nancy Snow's lecture on "Trumpaganda", a lecture by Itoh Keiko on the history of Japanese in Britain, and a Keio event on the phenomenology of the art object. Also, the robot Natsume Soseki (or Roboseki, I am determined to call him) is speaking at a symposium at Nishogakusha. See below for a complete list of events. * = partly in English, or translation provided ** = event mainly in English lectures and symposia **6 March 2017 - "Darwin, Dharma, and the Divine: Evolutionary Theory and Religion in Modern Japan", C. Clinton Godart (Hokkaido U), U Tokyo IASA, 4pm **7 Mar 2017 - New Directions in Empirical Research of Humanity, Keio University (University of Vienna International Symposium), 1:30pm (http://www.tgu.keio.ac.jp/docs/keio-vienna_symp.pdf) 7 Mar 2017, workshop on "Diversity in Japanese Subculture", UTokyo UTCP, 6pm **8 March 2017 - "Moments of Pleasure: Time, Ethics, and Desire in Contemporary Egypt", UTokyo IASA, 2pm **8 Mar 2017 - Lecture by Itoh Keiko on "Japanese in Britain, 1863 - 2001: A Photographic Exhibition", International House of Japan, 7pm (https://www.i-house.or.jp/…/progra…/library_reading20170308/) 9 Mar 2017 - 《西洋中世学会版》リサーチ・ショーケース (Research Showcase in Medieval Studies, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) (http://www.medievalstudies.jp/general/aboutseminar201703/) **9 Mar 2017 - "Persuader in Chief: Deconstructing Trumpaganda", Nancy Snow (Kyoto U of Foreign Studies), at Temple University Japan, Azabu Hall 1F, 7:30pm **10 March 2017 - International symposium, "Looking back on the Postwar Era from 2017", UTokyo Komaba campus, 1pm **11 Mar 2017 - Discussion on women's rights in Japan and USA (「女性の権利 アメリカと日本どう違う?~現在・過去・ 未来において~」), Knox English Network (event for school and college students) 11 Mar 2017 - Waseda University symposium on protecting cultural assets ("文化財を守るために1"), 1pm (https://www.waseda.jp/flas/hss/news/2017/02/01/2931/) 11 Mar 2017 - Japan Association of English Romanticism (イギリス・ロマン派学会) spring meeting, Japan University, 4pm (https://sites.google.com/site/jaeromanticism/home/events#20170208) 11-12 Mar 2017 - Symposium on Natsume Soseki and Chinese kanbun poetry (漢文脈の漱石), Nishogakusha University exhibitions and drama until 11 March 2017 - "Wisdom and Works of Tibetan Pastoralists", TUFS (http://www.tufs.ac.jp/english/2017/02/ilcaa-2017feb-mar-event.html) until 26 March - "Matisse et Rouault" exhibition, Shiodome Museum (http://panasonic.co.jp/…/museum/exh…/17/170114/index_en.html) until 26 March - "Murmur and Tumult. Masterpieces of Nabis from the Musee d’Orsay", Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum from March 9th - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque until 2 April 2017 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h28_titian.html) until 2 April - "Revisiting Siebold's Japan Museum", Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture 9 Mar to 4 April 2017 - Food design exhibition: "Jikifu: A Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", Intermediatheque *until 9 April 2017 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf) until 9 April 2017 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum until 16 April 2017 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery until 16 April 2017 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art until 28 April - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free) 8 March to 5 June 2017 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo 10 Mar - 1 April 2017 - Performance of August Strindberg's Miss Julie / Dance of Death, Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon (http://www.bunkamura.co.jp/english/cocoon/20170310.html until 11 June 2017 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ |
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February 2020