"This event (beginning at 2pm on September 29th) is organized by Correspondence: Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Literature. The aim of this event is to re-examine the representation of "post-war" in arts and literature.
As a speaking guest, we will invite Professor Max Saunders (King's College London), who is an expert on Modernism and Life-Writing and known as the author of Self Impression: Life-Writing, Autobiografiction, and the Forms of Modern Literature (2010). Firstly, Professor Saunders will give a lecture about To-day and To-morrow, a book series which was published during the inter-war period in England. Secondly, graduate students will give presentations on the representation of "post-war" in their research fields. In both parts, we will have question and answer time. This event will give you the opportunity to consider how we can face history through arts and literature." Event is in English, free, and open to all. Venue is the Lecture Room in LS/CGE Building in Hitotsubashi University. Please contact the organizers with any questions. |
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020