Three Events with Richard Calichman (Japanese Literature and Thought, CCNY) in Tokyo
Richard Calichman (Professor, Japanese Studies, CCNY) will take part in three events in Tokyo this month. He'll talk about Takeuchi Yoshimi and Lu Xun at the Hitotsubashi-Meiji joint symposium where two philosophers (Masato Goda and Kazuisa Fujimoto) along with Mayumo Inoue will also present around the theme of deconstructing "japan" studies, give a talk on the theme of death in Kurosawa's films at Waseda, and lead a grad workshop at Hitotsubashi. His two talks will be given in Japanese while the grad workshop will be conducted in English. Date, Time, and Location: July 14 2pm (Meiji Univ. Surugadai Campus, Global Front 2F 4021) July 16 3pm (Hitotsubashi Univ. Higashi Campus, 国際研究館 3F 大会議室) July 19 4pm (Waseda Univ. Toyama Campus, 36号館第7会議室) No reservation required. All events are free and everyone is welcome to attend. For more details, please click on the image above for the flyer. |
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020