With most universities in the middle of entrance exams, next week is dominated by arts events. Two new exhibitions have just opened: one on Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Charming Journey, at the Mori Art museum, the other on the French post-impressionist Nabis painters at Mitsubishi Ichigokan. The annual Yebisu International Festival opens on the 10th in the Photographic Museum in Ebisu, on the theme of "Multiple Future" (multiple but still singular?). Finally, the director of the Art Museums of Skagen will give a lecture on the Scandinavian Skagen painters at the National Museum of Western Art on the 11th (pictured above is Michael Ancher's A Stroll on the Beach, 1896).
Lectures are thinner on the ground this week but topics include: the Ogasawara islands, Confucian role ethics, Professor Bruce Grant of NYU on politics in the Caucasus, and a Soseki/Shiki symposium. If this is your first visit to our new website, welcome! and please feel free to look around: we have a blog, list of Tokyo humanities links, and other useful features. LECTURES AND CONFERENCES 5 Feb 2017 - Arts Council Tokyo Traveling Research Laboratory - discussion of Ogasawara Islands, 2pm (https://www.artscouncil-tokyo.jp/en/events/17069/) 9 Feb 2017 - Roger Ames (Peking U) "Theorizing "Person" for Confucian Role Ethics : A Good Place to Start", UTokyo 2pm (http://utcp.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/events/2017/02/confucian_role_ethics_a_challe/) 10-12 Feb 2017 - Reading of Alex Buzo's play "Norm and Ahmed" at Sengawa Theatre(http://japan.embassy.gov.au/tkyo/events.html) 10 Feb - "The Donkey Wars: Satire and Political Imagination in the Caucasus", Prof. Bruce Grant (NYU), Toyo Bunko, 3pm (http://earlymodernstate.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2017/01/post-aa44.html) 10 Feb - 26 Feb 2017 - Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2017, theme of "Multiple Future" (マルチプルな未来) (http://www.yebizo.com/) 11 Feb 2017 - "150th Birthday Commemoration Soseki/Shiki Symposium "Words, Things, the World", TUFS 13:30pm **11 Feb 2017 - Lisette Vind Ebbesen (Director, the Art Museums of Skagen), lecture on "The Skagen Painters", National Museum of Western Art, 2pm (https://www.nmwa.go.jp/en/events/index.html) EXHIBITIONS AND DRAMA until 14 Feb 2017 - "Romeo & Juliette", TBS Akasaka Act Theatre (http://romeo-juliette.com/) 9 Feb - 19 Feb 2017 - 海外戯曲リーディング - International Drama reading festival, Sengawa Theatre (http://www.sengawa-gekijo.jp/kaigaigikyoku/) until 19 Feb 2017 - "Lascaux: The Cave Paintings of the Ice Age", National Museum of Nature and Science, Ueno (http://www.timeout.com/…/lascaux-the-cave-paintings-of-the-…) until 26 Feb 2017 - Exhibition on "Marie Antoinette, Queen at Versailles", Mori Arts Center Gallery Roppongi (http://www.ntv.co.jp/marie/outline/) until 3 Mar 2017 - Exhibition on Christian icons and prayer aids (キリスト教信仰のかたち―祈りの道具にみる多様性―), Kokugakuin University Museum (http://museum.kokugakuin.ac.jp/event/detail/2016_christ.html) until 5 Mar 2017 - "World Book Design" exhibition at the Printing Museum, Tokyo (http://www.printing-museum.org/exhibi…/…/161203/img/zoom.pdf) until 26 March - "Matisse et Rouault" exhibition, Shiodome Museum (http://panasonic.co.jp/…/museum/exh…/17/170114/index_en.html) until 26 March - "Murmur and Tumult. Masterpieces of Nabis from the Musee d’Orsay", Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum until 2 April 2017 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h28_titian.html) *until 9 April 2017 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf) until 11 June 2017 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/ |
Tokyo Humanities - EventsUpcoming humanities-related events in Tokyo. archives
February 2020