Conference Timetable
Final program now available to download (6 November 2017)
The conference will be held at the Ito International Research Center, University of Tokyo
Access information and campus map
Access information and campus map
Friday 24th November
(Morning - Seminar Room, 3rd Floor / Afternoon - Gallery 1, B1)
(Morning - Seminar Room, 3rd Floor / Afternoon - Gallery 1, B1)
9.20 Opening remarks
Laurence Williams (University of Tokyo)
9.30 – 10.50 Panel 1: Japan and the Pacific in the Victorian Imagination
Chair: Josh Petitto (University of Tokyo)
David Chandler (Doshisha University) “Selling China to Japan: George Grossmith’s Cups and Saucers”
Laurence Williams (University of Tokyo) “An Aesthetic Gateway to Japan: Mount Fuji in Victorian Travel Accounts, 1880– 1900”
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 – 12.30 Panel 2: Transportation and Time Zones
Chair: Yasuo Endo (University of Tokyo)
Anna Johnston (University of Queensland) “Travelling the Pacific Rim”
Kevin Riordan (Nanyang Technological University) “The Gateway to Tomorrow: Travel Writing on the Date Line”
12.30 Lunch
1.30 – 3.30 Panel 3: California and the Transpacific
Chair: Michael Yates (Rikkyo University)
Hsu, Li-hsin (National Chengchi University) “San Francisco’s Chinatown in Bret Harte’s Wan Lee, the Pagan, Helen Hunt Jackson’s The Chinese Empire and Robert Louis Stevenson’s The New and Old Pacific Capitals”
Edward Marx (Ehime University) “Autobiographical Abjection in Joseph Heco’s Narrative of a Japanese”
Jennifer S. Tuttle (University of New England) “Unsettling the Pacific: Nervous Bodies and Chinese Exclusion in Edith Eaton’s California”
3.30 Coffee break
4.00 – 5.00 Plenary (1)
Chair: Steve Clark (University of Tokyo)
Julia Kuehn (University of Hong Kong)
“The Old Curiosity Rock: Hong Kong, the First Opium War, and the Travelogues and Fictions of 1839–42”
6.30 Conference dinner
Laurence Williams (University of Tokyo)
9.30 – 10.50 Panel 1: Japan and the Pacific in the Victorian Imagination
Chair: Josh Petitto (University of Tokyo)
David Chandler (Doshisha University) “Selling China to Japan: George Grossmith’s Cups and Saucers”
Laurence Williams (University of Tokyo) “An Aesthetic Gateway to Japan: Mount Fuji in Victorian Travel Accounts, 1880– 1900”
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 – 12.30 Panel 2: Transportation and Time Zones
Chair: Yasuo Endo (University of Tokyo)
Anna Johnston (University of Queensland) “Travelling the Pacific Rim”
Kevin Riordan (Nanyang Technological University) “The Gateway to Tomorrow: Travel Writing on the Date Line”
12.30 Lunch
1.30 – 3.30 Panel 3: California and the Transpacific
Chair: Michael Yates (Rikkyo University)
Hsu, Li-hsin (National Chengchi University) “San Francisco’s Chinatown in Bret Harte’s Wan Lee, the Pagan, Helen Hunt Jackson’s The Chinese Empire and Robert Louis Stevenson’s The New and Old Pacific Capitals”
Edward Marx (Ehime University) “Autobiographical Abjection in Joseph Heco’s Narrative of a Japanese”
Jennifer S. Tuttle (University of New England) “Unsettling the Pacific: Nervous Bodies and Chinese Exclusion in Edith Eaton’s California”
3.30 Coffee break
4.00 – 5.00 Plenary (1)
Chair: Steve Clark (University of Tokyo)
Julia Kuehn (University of Hong Kong)
“The Old Curiosity Rock: Hong Kong, the First Opium War, and the Travelogues and Fictions of 1839–42”
6.30 Conference dinner
Saturday 25th November
(Seminar Room, 3rd Floor)
(Seminar Room, 3rd Floor)
9.30 – 10.50 Panel 4: The Trans-Pacific: Geographical and Imaginative Triangulations
Chair: Thomas Schwarz (Rikkyo University)
Geoffrey Baker (Yale-NUS College) “Pacific Travels, Pacific Ports, and the World in Trollope’s Later Fiction”
Mikko Toivanen (European University Institute, Florence) “Batavia, Singapore and Hong Kong through the eyes of ‘Old England’ and ‘Young America’”
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 – 12.30 Panel 5: Port Interactions
Chair: Maho Ikeda (University of Tokyo)
Andrew Elliott (Doshisha Women’s College) “Intermediaries: The Roles, Writings, and Representation of Resident Consuls in Treaty Port Japan”
Chie Suzuki (Tsuda University) “Monks and Missionaries: The Reception of Christianity in Yokohama in the Early Meiji Era”
12.30 Lunch
1.30 – 3.30 Panel 6: Editing the Pacific
Chair: Géraldine Rademacher (University of Tokyo)
Tomoe Kumojima (Nara Women’s University) “‘A daughter of the East, a child of the West’: Yei Theodora Ozaki, Anglo-Japanese Miscegenation, and Feminine Literary Diplomacy”
Ayako Wada (Tottori University) “Hawkesworth’s An Account of the Voyages Revisited as a Gateway to Knowledge”
Alex Watson (Nagoya University) “Footnotes to History: Polynesian Marginality in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘The Song of Rahéro: A Legend of Tahiti’ and ‘The Feast of Famine: Marquesan Manners’ (1890)”
3.30 Coffee break
4.00 – 5.00 Plenary (2)
Chair: Yukari Yoshihara (University of Tsukuba)
Nikki Hessell (Victoria University of Wellington) “Robinson Crusoe and the Pacific Novel: Hospitality, Recognition, Translation”
5.00 – 5.30 Closing remarks and roundtable
Steve Clark (University of Tokyo)
Anna Johnston (University of Queensland)
Thomas Schwarz (Rikkyo University)
6.00 Informal end-of-conference reception
Chair: Thomas Schwarz (Rikkyo University)
Geoffrey Baker (Yale-NUS College) “Pacific Travels, Pacific Ports, and the World in Trollope’s Later Fiction”
Mikko Toivanen (European University Institute, Florence) “Batavia, Singapore and Hong Kong through the eyes of ‘Old England’ and ‘Young America’”
10.50 Coffee break
11.10 – 12.30 Panel 5: Port Interactions
Chair: Maho Ikeda (University of Tokyo)
Andrew Elliott (Doshisha Women’s College) “Intermediaries: The Roles, Writings, and Representation of Resident Consuls in Treaty Port Japan”
Chie Suzuki (Tsuda University) “Monks and Missionaries: The Reception of Christianity in Yokohama in the Early Meiji Era”
12.30 Lunch
1.30 – 3.30 Panel 6: Editing the Pacific
Chair: Géraldine Rademacher (University of Tokyo)
Tomoe Kumojima (Nara Women’s University) “‘A daughter of the East, a child of the West’: Yei Theodora Ozaki, Anglo-Japanese Miscegenation, and Feminine Literary Diplomacy”
Ayako Wada (Tottori University) “Hawkesworth’s An Account of the Voyages Revisited as a Gateway to Knowledge”
Alex Watson (Nagoya University) “Footnotes to History: Polynesian Marginality in Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘The Song of Rahéro: A Legend of Tahiti’ and ‘The Feast of Famine: Marquesan Manners’ (1890)”
3.30 Coffee break
4.00 – 5.00 Plenary (2)
Chair: Yukari Yoshihara (University of Tsukuba)
Nikki Hessell (Victoria University of Wellington) “Robinson Crusoe and the Pacific Novel: Hospitality, Recognition, Translation”
5.00 – 5.30 Closing remarks and roundtable
Steve Clark (University of Tokyo)
Anna Johnston (University of Queensland)
Thomas Schwarz (Rikkyo University)
6.00 Informal end-of-conference reception