April - June 2017
until 4/1 - Performance of August Strindberg's Miss Julie / Dance of Death, Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon (http://www.bunkamura.co.jp/english/cocoon/20170310.html)
until 4/2 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h28_titian.html)
until 4/2 - "Revisiting Siebold's Japan Museum", Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture
until 4/4 - Food design exhibition: "Jikifu: A Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", Intermediatheque
**4/4 - Javier Perez Jara, "The Feet of Clay underlying Bertrand Russell's Critiques of Idealism", UTokyo TFAP, time TBA
**4/4 - Joseph A. Kéchichian, "Donald Trump and the Middle East", TUFS, 6pm
**4/5 - "#vivalarevolucíon: New Millennium Political Protests", Temple University, 7pm
4/5 (Italian) - discussion with the Italian crime fiction writer Sandrone Dazieri, Italian Institute of Culture Tokyo, 6.30pm
until 4/5 - Treasures of the Waseda University Library exhibition
until 4/5 - Seize the Uncertain Day (ふたしかなその日), Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum
**4/7 - Martin Zebracki, "Whither Digital Public Art? The Question of Amphibian Matter", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.45pm
**4/7 - Guillermo Wilde, "Religious Conversion and the formation of Space-Time categories in the Borderland Missions", Waseda University, 10.40am
**4/7 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "The Qur'ān as an authority in Christian polemics against the Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Europe", Keio University Mita Campus, 4.30pm
**4/8 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "Philology and Forced Conversion: The Role of Learned Converts in Qur'ānic translations in 16th-century Spain and Italy", Keio University Mita Campus, 2pm
4/8 (Japanese) Raymond Williams research meeting, 2pm, Chuo University
4/8 - (Japanese) Mari Akasaka (赤坂真理), America and Japan and Me (アメリカと日本と私), Tokyo American Literature Society special lecture, Keio Mita Campus, 2pm
until 4/9 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf)
until 4/9 - Exhibition on cherry blossom in Rome (ローマの花見), Italian Cultural Centre
until 4/9 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum
4/10 - (Italian/Japanese) Conferenza “L’architettura che unisce”, Italian Institute of Culture
4/10 - (Japanese) Sou Fujimoto - "City, Design, Landscape, Public Space, Variety of Scale, Theme and Relationship with Society", International House of Japan, 7pm
4/11 - Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, 「美とアイデンティティーグローバル化時代の文化的自己主張」, University of Tokyo, 7.30pm
**4/12 - Mariko Nagai and Robert Jacobs, "Narrative Histories of Nuclear Disaster: Hibakusha Memories and Mythologies", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm
**4/12 - Tony Chan (President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), "HKUST, Rising Asia and Global Impact", Keio University, 3.40pm
**4/13 - Artist Forum - Jami Nakamura Lin (Chicago-based author) reads from her novel-in-progress "The Sin Eaters", International House of Japan, 7pm
**4/13 - Antonella Ceccagno (Bologna), "City Making and Global Labor Regimes: Chinese Immigrants in Prato, Italy", Waseda University, 5pm
**4/14 - Matthew Gray (Waseda), "What will the Trump presidency mean for the Middle East?", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm
**4/14 - David Toop, "Boundaries of Practice Based on Learning", Tokyo University of the Arts, 5.30pm
until 4/16 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery
until 4/16 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art
*4/15 - Japanese Association for American History Master's Thesis forum, Aoyama Gakuin Women's College, 2pm
*4/15 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (1) - 12:30pm
**4/15 - Alexander Likhotal, "Russia as part of Europe or apart from Europe?", Temple University Japan, 3pm
4/15 - (Japanese) "Momoyama Ceramics: Japanese-style Tea Bowls from the Late 16th Century" (桃山の茶陶―和物茶碗), Tokyo National Museum, 1.30pm
**4/15 - 4/16 - "(Im)perfectionist Aesthetics", international symposium at Komaba Campus, UTokyo
4/16 - Symposium on Sri Lankan society (日常的実践からみるスリランカ社会), TUFS, 1pm
4/17 - (Japanese) Sino-Japanese Relations in the Age of Trump (トランプ時代の日中関係), Waseda, 2.45pm
**4/17 - Mats Berdal (KCL) - "The Future of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Afghanistan", United Nations University, 6.30pm
**4/17 - "Powerful or powerless Japan? Investigating the full extent of the world's third-largest power", Guibourg Delamotte (French Institute of Oriental Studies), Temple University, 12.30pm
*4/18 - Studying LGBTQ issues from the situation in America (多様な生き方を受容すること:LGBTQをめぐる米国の状況から), Waseda University, 16:30pm
4/18 (French) - Le rôle et l’influence des femmes dans les Jeux Olympiques de 2020, French Institute Tokyo, 7pm
**4/19 - Tim Bayne, "On the Interface Between Perception and Thought", UTokyo TFAP, time TBA
**4/19 - Shobhana Radhakrishna and Ravi Chopra, "Transformational Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and its relevance in contemporary world", TUFS, 10.10am
**4/19 - Robert Horres, "Traditional Colors in Japan", Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
**4/21 - Guillermo Wilde, "In the Limits of Missionary Knowledge and Practice: Indigenous rites and beliefs in comparative perspective", Waseda University, 10.40am
**4/21 - David Schlesinger, "News, the Media, Entertainment, Information, and Fakery", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
4/21 (Japanese) - Intermediatheque discussion - On Actors (俳優を語る), 6pm
*4/22 - Shakespeare Festival, Meiji University (http://www.s-sj.org/?p=3551)
4/22 - (Chinese language) seminar on independent Chinese films (現代中国インディペンデント映画の最前線――顧桃監督・応亮監督を迎えて), Waseda University, 2.50pm
4/22 - Emmanuel Cattin (Sorbonne), lecture in French on 「神の威光―エーリッヒ・プシュヴァラとマルティン・ハイデガーの思索の狭間で」(Majestas Dei: Erich Przywara and Martin Heidegger), Sophia University, 2pm
4/22 - English literature and Soseki presentation (英文学と漱石), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会館, 2pm
4/22 - Ruskin and Music (ラスキンと音楽), Ruskin Bunko Spring Symposium, 2pm (includes musical performance)
*4/22 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (2), TUFS, 12:30pm
*4/23 - "Performing Arts and Philosophy (3): Towards a Philosophy of Sound" (Peter Brotzmann / Paal Nilsen-Love / Toshinori Kondo, Senshu University, 3pm
**4/24 - Yi Mo (Oxford), "Modernity and Historicity in the Thought of Maruyama Masao", University of Tokyo GJS Seminar, 5pm
**4/24 - Paul R. Viotti (Denver), “Structural Realism–Intellectual and Experiential Sources of the Ideas Underlying Kenneth Waltz’s Theoretical Work”, Sophia, 1.30pm
until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection
4/25 - Michelle Lim, "Uncertain Economies: Some Notes on Sustainable Curating", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.30pm
**4/26 - Giuliano Torrengo (Milan) presentation on "The Flow of Time", and Tim Bayne (Monash) on "Ensemble Perception, Perceptual Judgement and the Contents Of Visual Experience", Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5-7pm
until 4/27 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 2: Japanese Antiquarian Books", Waseda University Library
4/27 - (Japanese) Haruki Murakami discusses translation with Motoyuki Shibata, Kinokuniya Southern Theatre Takashimaya, 7pm
4/27 - (Japanese) "Reconsidering Postwar Japan" (日本の戦後を問い返す), Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
4/27 - Workshop: "Two Olympic Cities: London and Tokyo", Tokyo University of the Arts, 1pm
4/27 (Japanese) 「世界文学に触れる」特別講演会 星野智幸さんを迎えて」, TUFS, 4pm
until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free)
**4/28 - Brian Boyd (Auckland), "Do Austen and Tolstoy need narrators? Does anyone?", UTokyo (Hongo Campus, Slavic Seminar Room, 7th floor, Faculty of Letters Bldg No.3), 4.50pm
(deadline 28 April 2017) - Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan (ASLE), for 2017 annual conference on 24-25 August at Seisen University
4/29 - Meiji Gakuin Concert Series 90th recital, 4pm
**4/29 - Warren Schultz (DePaul), "From Collections to Excavations: The Past, Present, and One Possible Future of Mamluk Numismatics", Waseda, 3.30pm
5/3 - 5/4 - Association for Studies of Picture Books annual conference, Ferris University (絵本と絵本学の今、そして未来へ)
until 5/6 - Italian Film Festival Tokyo (イタリア映画祭2017), Yurakucho Asahi Hall
*5/6 - Japan Nabokov Society Annual Meeting, Komazawa University - includes papers by Slava Bart, "An Artist of Thought: Nabokov in Light of Mikhail Epstein's "Philosophy of the Possible", and Brian Boyd, "Do the Senses Make Sense?"
5/6 - "山口県の旧制中学の外国人講師に関する研究:萩中学校を中心に", Historical Society of English Studies in Japan, Takushoku University
until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum
until 5/7 - "Dawn of Japanese Photography: The Anthology", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
until 5/7 - "Utagawa Kuniyoshi: His Pictorial Elegance in the 21st Century", Fuchu Art Museum
**5/8 - Asiatic Society of Japan - John Weber, "Sharing: A Collector's Journey" (talk on collecting Japanese/Asian art), International House of Japan, 6.30pm
**5/8, Joerg Loeschke, "Practical Reasons as Appropriate Value Responses", UTokyo, Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy
**5/8 - Ben Crystal, "Shakespeare’s Original Pronunciation - the Accent of Shakespeare", Kodaira Campus, Tsuda University, 4.20pm
(deadline 8 May 2017) - Japan Association for Digital Humanities "Creating Data through Collaboration" conference, Doshisha University (Kyoto), 11-12 September
**5/9 - Ben Crystal, "Shakespeare (As He Would Have Heard It)", Aoyama Gakuin University, 4.50pm
**5/10 - Ben Crystal, "Original Pronunciation Shakespeare - As He Would Have Heard It?", Waseda University, 6.15pm
**5/10 - Joerg Loeschke (Bern), "Practical Reasons as Appropriate Value Responses", Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo (TBA)
**5/10 - Jose Morias (ambassador), "Mozambique and Japan", Waseda School of International Liberal Studies, 4.30pm
5/10 "About Potentialities of Being Strange" (Akira Tsuboi guest lecture, 異物であることの可能性, TUFS, 2,2opm
**5/11 - Sharalyn Orbaugh, "What was sacred in Japan’s “sacred war”?: the boundaries of the sacred and profane in wartime kamishibai", Sophia University, 5.30pm
5/11 - TUFS African Studies Center opening ceremony, 4.30pm
**5/11 - "Living Diversity: A Comparative View on Identity, Gender and Sexual Orientation in Contemporary Japan and Germany", German Institute for Japanese Studies, 6.30pm
5/11 - Open lecture (Seigo Mikuriya, Noh actor, Wakikata Hôshô school), "The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Noh", ICU, 1.15pm
**5/11, Dalia El-Shayal, "Landmarks in the Art and Culture of Egypt", Rikkyo, 6.15pm
**5/12 - Anne Thomas, "Overcoming Disabilities and Discrimination and Living in Global Society", Toyo University, 1pm
**5/12 - Guy Ryder (Director-General of ILO) - "Future of Work: Towards Decent Jobs for All?", United Nations University, 6.30pm
5/13 - Soundings English Literary Association research presentation on Jonathan Swift, Sophia University
**5/13 - Eastern European Jewish music concert and performance (東欧ユダヤの音楽「クレズマー」-リヴァイヴァルと異文化接触を聴く--), Rikkyo University, 5pm
5/13 (Japanese) - "The Charm of Chanoyu: Ceramics of Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China", Tokyo National Museum, 1.30pm
5/13 (Japanese) - 「南アジアにおける ベンガルを問う」(Bengal in South Asia symposium), TUFS, 1.30pm
5/13 - Japan Society for Children's Literature in English, Spring branch meeting, Hosei University
5/13 - Yozaburo Shirahata, "Sir Joseph Banks and the Plant Hunters - What we Learn from the History of Plants", ICU Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum, 2pm
5/13 - 5/14 - Japan Society for Literature and Christianity Annual Conference, Showa Women's University
until 5/12 - "Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films Commemorating the Release of "The River"", TUFS
until 5/14 - Exhibition by photojournalist Hiromi Nagakura ("crawl and run towards the future"), Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Ebisu
until 5/14 - "Picture Scroll Enthusiasts" (絵巻マニア列伝), Suntory Museum of Art
until 5/14 - Fukuneko: Cat Art at Hyakudan Kaidan, Meguro Gajoen
5/15 - Nicoletta Conti - Lecture (in Italian) and performance of Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro", Italian Cultural Institute, 6.30pm
**5/15 - Michael Fish (Chicago), "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", 3pm
**5/16 - Book Break: "The Spy Across the Table: A Jim Brodie Thriller", Barry Lancet, Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**5/17 - Talk by Rina Tzinman at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, "The New Bodily View: A New Problem Solver?", UTokyo TFAP, 5pm
**5/17 - Analysis of the French elections, Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
until 5/18 - Laura Lieverani: Ainu Exhibition, Italian Cultural Institute
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/19 - Yasser Jamal Al Deen, "Message from a Syrian Refugee", Waseda University, 18:15
5/19 (Japanese lecture) - "The Spread of Non-Church Christianity throughout Japan: Magazines, Associations, and Networks", Tatsuya Akae, ICU, 1.30pm
5/19 (Japanese) - ICU Sacred Music Center Open Lecture with Performance, "Numbers and Music", Hiroki Sakaguchi
**5/19 - Haruki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan), "The Logic of Law and the Logic of Emergency in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India", University of Tokyo Political Economy (POETS) seminar, Kojima Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Kojima Hall, 7.30pm
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/19 - Yasser Jamal Al Deen, "Message from a Syrian Refugee", Waseda University, 18:15
5/19 (Japanese lecture) - "The Spread of Non-Church Christianity throughout Japan: Magazines, Associations, and Networks", Tatsuya Akae, ICU, 1.30pm
5/19 (Japanese) - ICU Sacred Music Center Open Lecture with Performance, "Numbers and Music", Hiroki Sakaguchi
**5/19 - Haruki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan), "The Logic of Law and the Logic of Emergency in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India", University of Tokyo Political Economy (POETS) seminar, Kojima Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Kojima Hall, 7.30pm
until 5/20 - Yoshinobu Kato Exhibition — Spatial Beauty of Japanese Gardens, Gallery Kawafune
**5/20 - David Carter (University of Queensland), "“Australia is Very American”: Australian books and authors in the American marketplace.", lecture at the Australia and New Zealand Literature Society spring meeting (オーストラリア・ニュージーランド文学会), Meisei University, 15:35
*5/20 - "Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household", TUFS, 1.30pm
5/20 - J.F. Oberlin Organ Concert 2017, 2pm
5/20 (Japanese) - Japan-Bengal Forum, TUFS, 10am
5/20 - Masatoshi Konishi, "Photo Archives of South Asian Folk Culture", TUFS, 1pm
(deadline 17 May 2017) - "Between the Visible and the Invisible" (East Asian religion / philosophy), Temple University, Japan
until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno
until 5/21 - Photography exhibition: "Wind under the wings – Année de l’oiseau de Muriel Pénicaud", French Institute Tokyo
5/22 - (French) Elisabetta Carpitelli (Grenoble), La dialectologie en France aujourd'hui, TUFS, 14.20
**5/22 - Michael Fisch, "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**5/22 - Sumiyo Nishizaki, "After Empire Comes Home: Economic Experiences of Japanese Civilian Repatriates, 1945-56", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
until 5/25 - Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
5/22 - (French) Elisabetta Carpitelli (Grenoble), La dialectologie en France aujourd'hui, TUFS, 14.20
**5/22 - Michael Fisch, "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**5/22 - Sumiyo Nishizaki, "After Empire Comes Home: Economic Experiences of Japanese Civilian Repatriates, 1945-56", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
5/23 (Japanese lecture) - Miki Okubo, "Challenge of an Alien (Étranger) Lecturer: How I Contribute to Enlivening University Classes through Creating Artistic Actions", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.30pm
**5/24 - UNC-Chapel Hill mini-seminar: Cemil Aydin, "Imagining the Muslim World: Geopolitics, Race and Religion" and Carl W. Ernst, "Mysticism and Community in the Arabic Poems of al-Hallaj", UTokyo IASA, 1.45pm
5/24 - Special Lecture by the EU Ambassador to Japan; The EU in the world, and EU-Japan relations, Waseda University, 4.30pm
5/24 - Kutlay Yagmur (Tilburg U) "Immigrant Multiculturalism versus Language Education Policies in Europe", UTokyo Hongo Campus (Bungakubu 3-go-kan, 6th floor), 5pm (contact: [email protected])
5/24 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6pm
5/25 - Elucidating the mysteries of English through study of language history (英語史で解き明かす英語の不思議)(寺澤盾先生), Daito Bunka University, 2pm
5/25 - モダン・ガールの時代, University of Tokyo Komaba Campus, 3pm
5/25 - "All About Game and Art", Eddo Stern (UCLA), Waseda, 6.15pm
5/25 - フェリス150年:受け継がれた信仰―M. E. キダーとE. S. ブースとの対比においてー, Ferris Jogakuin, 2.30pm
**5/25 - "Living Text: The Qur’an, Gender Justice, and Muslims Today", UTokyo IASA, 5.30pm
**5/25, Morgan Pitelka (UNC Chapel Hill), Famous Objects: Agency and Materiality in the Collection of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616), Sophia, 6.30pm
**5/25 - Juljan Biontino (Chiba University), "Seoul's Namsan under Japanese Influence - Japanese Ritual Life and Assimilation Policy in Korea, 1890-1945", German Institute for Japanese Studies
5/25 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
**5/25 - Jeff Weingarten, “Waiting for a Whitman: Canadian Poetry and the Question of National Identity Since 1867”, University of Tokyo "Research in Progress" lecture series, 5pm
until 5/27 - The World of Imperial Costume (宮廷装束の世界), Gakushuin University
until 5/27 - Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", International Theatre Company London, dir. Paul Stebbings, various locations in Tokyo
5/26 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (39) – Birth of a Duke”, Intermediatheque
5/26 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6.30pm
5/26 - Antonin Bechler, The Construction of Violence in Kenzaburo Oe (大江健三郎における暴力の構造), UTokyo Komaba campus, 3pm
**5/26 - Richard Armitage (former US Deputy Secretary of State), "Japan-US Relationship under the New Administration", Keio, 3pm
**5/26 - "Tohoku: Two Voices in English: A Bilingual Poetry Reading", Isobar Press event with readings from Peter Robinson (and translator Miki Iwata), and Masaya Saito, Kinokuniya Tokyo, 6.30pm
**5/26 - 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International printmaking symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts
**5/26 - “Running into the dark: Legality, power and “conversion capability” among Chinese technical interns in Japan”, Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (time TBC)
5/27 (French) - "La Nuit de la Philo 2017" - Les règles du jeu, French Institute Tokyo - includes "Pierre Motron en concert"
5/27 - American Lit. Society of Japan May meeting, (なぜ古典を読むのか: ソローの読書論 ), Keio Mita, 1pm
5/27 (Japanese) - 戸塚まつり参加企画】映画「標的の村」上映会とアフタートーク, Meiji Gakuin, 1.40pm
5/26 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (39) – Birth of a Duke”, Intermediatheque
5/26 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6.30pm
5/26 - Antonin Bechler, The Construction of Violence in Kenzaburo Oe (大江健三郎における暴力の構造), UTokyo Komaba campus, 3pm
**5/26 - Richard Armitage (former US Deputy Secretary of State), "Japan-US Relationship under the New Administration", Keio, 3pm
**5/26 - "Tohoku: Two Voices in English: A Bilingual Poetry Reading", Isobar Press event with readings from Peter Robinson (and translator Miki Iwata), and Masaya Saito, Kinokuniya Tokyo, 6.30pm
**5/26 - 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International printmaking symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts
**5/26 - “Running into the dark: Legality, power and “conversion capability” among Chinese technical interns in Japan”, Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (time TBC)
5/27 (French) - "La Nuit de la Philo 2017" - Les règles du jeu, French Institute Tokyo - includes "Pierre Motron en concert"
5/27 - American Lit. Society of Japan May meeting, (なぜ古典を読むのか: ソローの読書論 ), Keio Mita, 1pm
5/27 (Japanese) - 戸塚まつり参加企画】映画「標的の村」上映会とアフタートーク, Meiji Gakuin, 1.40pm
**5/28 - Lecture on church music by Julian Collings (musical director of St Cyprian's Singers in London), Rikkyo University, 5pm
until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo", University of Tokyo Museum
until 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International Contemporary Printed Art exhibition, Tokyo University of the Arts
until 5/28 - "A Lonely Impulse of Delight: W.B. Yeats Print Collection", Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum Chinretsukan Gallery
until 5/28 - "Animals in Ukiyo-e", Ota Memorial Museum of Art
5/29 - Seisuke Yamasaki, talk on teaching Shakespeare to children (子供のためのシェイクスピア − 今を生きる子供たちへ ), Waseda, 6.30pm
5/29 (French) - Conférence-débat : La police et le maintien de l'ordre à l'époque moderne ( Japon et France ), TUFS, 2pm
**5/29 - Peter Robinson, "Intention and Biography: The Case of William Empson's 'Aubade'", Tokyo Woman's Christian University, 2.55pm
**5/29 - Mariko Ijima (Sophia), "Coffee Web: Mapping the Movement of People, Objects, and Knowledge Across Asia-Pacific", 5pm
5/29 - Jacques Dumont (Professeur de l’Université des Antilles) "Une histoire contemporaine des Antilles françaises : littérature, histoire, identités", Waseda, 6.15pm
**5/29 - Jose Montaño (Rikkyo), "What Japanese Cinema Matters? Anime and Comedy in Spanish Film Criticism", UTokyo IASA, 4pm
5/30 - (Japanese digital humanities event) - "Making use of DOI in the humanities" (人文学でのDOI活用 〜研究データや所蔵品など研究資源へのDOI付与〜), Centre for Open Data in the Humanities, 1pm
**5/30 - Lisa McGirr (Harvard) - 新保守主義の起源から考える現代アメリカ (Understanding Modern America through the Rise of Neoconservatism), Rikkyo, 6.30pm
**5/30 - Guillaume Carré (EHESS), "The Origin and the End of Domain Currency in Early Modern Japan", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
**5/31 - Stanford University Mindfulness Education, Dr Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, International House of Japan, 6pm
**5/31 - Markus Nornes (University of Michigan), "Chinese Cinema as Asian Cinema", Waseda, 4.30pm
**5/31 - Astronaut Chris Hadfield book talk, "The Darkest Dark", Embassy of Canada, 4.30pm (for children aged 4 - 10)
**5/31 - Francesco Di Lorio, "World 3 and Methodological Individualism in Popper’s Thought", UTokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, 5pm
6/1 (Japanese lecture) - The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayû-bushi, Koshiko Takemoto, Tayû, and Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen player, ICU open lecture, 1.15pm
**6/1 - Annelise Riles, "Japan and The Changing Politics of Central Banking", UTokyo, 6.30pm
6/1 - Ronald Hendel, Exodus, Conquest and the Alchemy of Memory, Rikkyo, 6.30pm
6/2 - Tibetan Literature Night (チベット文学ナイト 黒狐の夜), TUFS, 7pm (registration required)
6/2 - Seiwan Kim (Ewha Womans’ University), "“Is North Korean economy better under Kim Jeong-Un regime?", Waseda, 1pm
6/2 - Lisa McGirr (Harvard), "Understanding the American Right: Has Trump Proved Historians Wrong?", Rikkyo
6/2 - Saga Kobayashi - Butoh Performance, "Incubate" (孵化する), Keio University Art Center, 6.30pm
until 6/2 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 3: The Materials from Across the Sea", Waseda University
6/3 - Toyo University International Philosophy Centre, "情報、身体、ネットワーク 21世紀の情報理解に向けて", Toyo University, 10am
6/3 - "日本におけるサモア人妻たちの子育て", Ochanomizu University, 3.10pm
6/3 - Tokyo Embassy Choir summer charity concert, Otsuma Women's University, 6pm
6/3 - Symposium: “Japan, the Land of the Kami as Perceived by Lafcadio Hearn”: includes lectures on “Lafcadio Hearn and Shinto — Towards an Irish and a Greek Interpretation”, and “The Image of Shinto Shrines in the Works of Lafcadio Hearn”, by Prof. Yoko Makino. Asiatic Society of Japan, 1.35pm
6/3 - Japan Gaskell Society 29th Annual Meeting, Omiya Conference Centre (http://www.gaskell.jp/reikai.html)
until 6/4 - "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan", Tokyo National Museum (Ueno)
until 6/4 - Journey to 19th century Paris - searching for forgotten streets (19世紀パリ時間旅行―失われた街を求めて―), Nerima Art Museum
until 6/4 - Celtic Vision: Contemporary Irish Artists, Tir Na Nog Gallery (Setagaya-ku)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japanese Association for American Studies (アメリカ学会) annual conference, Waseda University (http://www.jaas.gr.jp/meeting.html)
*6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Medieval European Studies annual conference, Tokyo Metropolitan University, includes lecture in English by Michael Raby (McGill): "Between Sleeping and Waking: Hypnagogia in Medieval Literature", 16:45 (6/3)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Theatre Research annual conference, Keio University Hiyoshi campus
6/4 - Japan Bronte Society "Bronte Day" open lectures - Yokohama City University
6/4 (Japanese) - "Higher Liberal-Arts Education: Current Situation and Problems", (高度教養教育の現状と課題), UTokyo Hongo campus, 2pm
6/4 - Malgorzata Tryuk, Cinematic Imagination of War and Human Condition, Rikkyo, 1pm
6/3 - 6/4 - Japanese Association for American Studies (アメリカ学会) annual conference, Waseda University (http://www.jaas.gr.jp/meeting.html)
*6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Medieval European Studies annual conference, Tokyo Metropolitan University, includes lecture in English by Michael Raby (McGill): "Between Sleeping and Waking: Hypnagogia in Medieval Literature", 16:45 (6/3)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Theatre Research annual conference, Keio University Hiyoshi campus
6/4 - Japan Bronte Society "Bronte Day" open lectures - Yokohama City University
6/4 (Japanese) - "Higher Liberal-Arts Education: Current Situation and Problems", (高度教養教育の現状と課題), UTokyo Hongo campus, 2pm
6/4 - Malgorzata Tryuk, Cinematic Imagination of War and Human Condition, Rikkyo, 1pm
6/5 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第2回研究会 (Research presentation on journal records of the Islamic world), Toyo Bunko, 5pm
**6/5 - Crystyl Mo, "Chefs, Trends, and Tastes at the World’s Best Restaurants and Beyond", Sophia University ICC, 6pm
**6/5 - Brian Locke, "Racial Triangulation: Japan and the Cultural Politics of Hollywood's White and Black Buddy Film", UTokyo IASA, 4pm
**6/5 - Jana K. Lipman (Tulane U.), "Guam to Palawan: Opposing Narratives of Vietnamese Repatriation, 1975 and 1995", UTokyo Centre for Pacific and American Studies, 6.30pm
**6/5 - Jeannie N. Shinozuka, "Plants, Pathogens, and Empire: Race Across the Pacific in the Early 20th Century", Sophia University Institute of American and Canadian Studies, 5pm
**6/6 - Film screening: Tito’s Glasses (Titos Brille) (with English subtitles), Sophia University, 6pm
**6/6 - Paul Anderer, "Kurosawa's Rashomon", Waseda, 4.30pm
6/6 - 「メソポタミアの混乱― アリ監督に聞く「戦争と生きる力」―」ショートフィルム上映会&講演会, Gakushuin University, 4.30pm
until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo
6/7 - Masahiro Yamada (Claremont Graduate University), "Troubles with Constitutivism in Epistemology (and Ethics)", presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm
**6/7 - Nan Elizabeth Woodruff (Pennsylvania), "Living With The Everyday Legacies of Violence: Race, History, Memory, and Trauma in the U.S. South", Meiji Gakuin, 6pm
6/7 - 西洋、日本、東アジアの美術交渉をめぐる歴史の力学──Translationをめぐって, UTokyo, 5pm
**6.7 - Catherine Denys (Lille), "The Port Louis Police Office in the Ile de France (Mauritius) 1767-89: Parisian model and colonial adaptations", TUFS, 12.40pm
**6/8 - Nicholas Phillipson (Edinburgh), "Adam Smith in Context; A Historian's Reflections", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 3pm
6/8 - Screening of Iranian film (I'm Taraneh) and Q&A with director, TUFS, 7pm
**6/8 - Mengxiao Wang, "Journey of a Buddhist Play: The Reception History of Guiyuan jing on the Page and the Stage, 1650~1949", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**6/8 - James McNally, Across the Atlantic: A cultural history of hip-hop's early years in London, TUFS, 5.45pm
**6/8 - Andrea Revelant, Ca’ Foscari University, "Revolution and Empire: the Northern Expedition in the Japanese Press, 1926-28"
6/9 - "The 'DNA' of Literature: World Literature and Modern Japanese Literature" (文学の‛DNA’―世界文学と日本近代文学), National Institute of Japanese Literature
**6/9 - Paul Anderer, "The Brothers Kurosawa", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 5pm
until 6/9 - Tokyo Photographic Museum, Scrolling Through Heisei Part 1
until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque
until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno
until 6/11 - Naoki Sato, "Unexplored Tokyo: There, It Has Grown", 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Suehirocho)
until 6/11 - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", dance production by Onodera Shuji Company Derashinera, New National Theatre Tokyo (http://www.nntt.jac.go.jp/en…/productions/detail_008007.html)
until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/
6/10 - "Sacred Sight, Sacred Sound" Lecture Conference (曼荼羅をきく・アヴェ・マリアをみる), International Christian University, 2pm
6/10 - 早稲田大学東洋哲学会 第34回大会 (Waseda University Asian Philosophy 34th Conference)
*6/10 - Bernard Shaw Society of Japan conference, including paper by Nicholas R. Williams ("A Theatrical Web of Obscure Events and Equally Obscure Characterizations: An Interpretation of Too True to Be Good (1932)"), Jumonji University Sugamo Satellite campus, 1.30pm
6/10 -村松真理子, Who was D'Annunzio? (ダンヌンツィオとは誰だったのか?), UTalk Cafe Event, University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
**6/10 - David and Anna Sapir Abulafia double presentation, "How to Write the History of the Sea" and "The Contested Seed of Abraham", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 1.10pm
**6/10 - David Carter (Queensland), "Literary Celebrity in Newspapers and Magazines: Australia between the Wars", and Peter Robinson (JWU), "Capricious Captioning and Narrative Instability: Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle Newspaper Illustrations", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/11 - Meiji Gakuin concert series (明治学院コンサート・シリーズ 第91回 ≪ブラームスのハ短調≫), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm
6/11 - "Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art", ILCAA Joint Research Project seminar, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1pm
6/12 - Bengal Poetry reading, TUFS
6/13 - "The Hidden Truth About Japanese Culture", lecture, Temple University Japan, 5pm
**6/13 - Nick Prior, "On Vocal Assemblages: From the Microphone to Miku", Tokyo U of the Arts, 6.30pm
**6/14 - Georg Northoff (Ottawa), talk at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, "A spatiotemporal model of consciousness: Can we replace the mind-body problem by the world-brain problem?", UTokyo, 5pm
6/14 - Russian Animated Film Screening ~ The World of Yuriy Norshteyn ~, TUFS, 17.40
6/14 - ハムレットの哲学とキリスト教, Hibiya College, 7pm
**6/14 - Patricia Steinhoff (University of Hawaii), "Japanese Studies in the Age of Globalization", UTokyo IASA, 3pm
6/14 - Film screening: Saudade, TUFS, 5.45pm
**6/14 - Kenneth Mori McElwain, "What do people mean when they talk about constitutional revision?", Ochanomizu, 5pm
**6/15 - Tokyo Humanities Cafe, "Good Heavens" bar Shimokitazawa, 7.30pm
**6/15 - Shun-liang Chao (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), "Humour as a Moral Attitude: Surrealist Laughter and Childhood Nonsense", University of Tokyo Department of English, 1pm
**6/15 - 英米文学科公開講演会, 小川 高義 氏, 『翻訳の現場レポート』(仮題), Komazawa University, 1.10pm
**6/15 - Shiyang Zhang, "Study on “Tong Si Tang Diary” collected in Seikado Bunko", UTokyo, 5pm
**6/15 - Johan Rochel, "Ethics of Immigration: Is Japan’s immigration policy justifiable?", UTokyo ISS, 6.30pm
**6/15 - Bert Winther-Tamaki (UC Irvine), Earth Photography from HAMAYA Hiroshi to NAKAHIRA Takuma, UTokyo IASA, 4pm
**6/15 - Johan Rochel, "Ethics of Immigration: Is Japan’s immigration policy justifiable?", University of Tokyo, 6.30pm
6/16 - 6/17 - Japan Society for Stylistics Annual Conference, Oberlin University
**6/16 - Yasuko Naka, "Thinking about gender ~Expressions of masculinity and femininity within Takarazuka~", Waseda University, 4.30pm
6/16 - International Joint Workshop Film Screening “The MASSIVE and the minute”, Intermediatheque, 5pm
*6/17 - English Literary Society of Japan (ELSJ) Kanto branch spring meeting, Meiji Gakuin University, including Markman Ellis (University of London) lecture on "Sensibility, Slavery, and Empire", 4.15pm (room 2302)
**6/17 - Roger Robins (University of Tokyo), "Literary Evangelicalism in the Late Nineteenth Century: From Romanticism to Sentimentality", and Torahiko Terada (University of Tokyo), "Illustration of the Novel and Reproduction Technologies", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/17 - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
*6/17 - 6/18 - Australian Studies Association of Japan Annual Conference, Seijo University
6/17 - 【中国語中国文学コース講演会】「『陳独秀文集』全三巻(東洋文庫)翻訳で見えてきたこと, Toyo Bunko, 2pm
6/17 - 森田 直子, 痛みと感情のイギリス史, Toyo University, 1.30pm
6/17 - Emily Dickinson Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Komazawa University, 1pm
until 6/17 - Collection of Nagasaki hanga relating to the Dutch trade (富田万里子コレクション長崎版画展), Waseda Aizu Museum (see also related exhibition here)
until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery
until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo
until 6/18 - "Adolf Wölfli: A Kingdom of 25,000 Pages", Tokyo Station Gallery
**6/19 - Mario Telò, “Trump and the Brexit: a crisis of regional cooperation in Europe and in the world?”, Waseda, 16.30
**6/19 - Dr. Hans Carl von Werthern (German ambassador to Japan), “Why Ambassadors? The role of diplomacy in a globalizing world”, Asiatic Society of Japan, 6.30pm
**6/19 - Thomas Rhydwen (Translator, Keio University), Confucianism and the Kyoto School: An East Asian Interpretation of the Kyoto School’s Political Philosophy, University of Tokyo, 5pm
6/19 - 連続講演会 アジア史のひろば, Waseda University, 4.30pm
6/20 (German lecture w/ Japanese translation) - “Arcimboldo: Betwixt Mimesis and Fantasia”, National Museum of Western Art ,2pm
**6/20 - Markman Ellis (University of London), "Cultures of the Coffee-House and Tea-Table in Britain 1650-1750", Gakushuin, 6pm
**6/20 - Ali Humayun Akhtar (Bates College, USA), "Reorienting the Dutch East India Company: Europeans as Inter-Asian Brokers in Jakarta and Nagasaki", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**6/20 - Literary Dialogue between Canadian and Japanese Women Writers “What’s On the Minds of Women Writers Today?” (Madeleine Thien in dialogue with Yukiko Chino and Hiiragi Nonaka), Embassy of Canada, 6.30pm
**6/20 - "Old Architecture / New Architecture & the Space Between", Geoffrey Moussas, Waseda, 3pm
**6/21 - "Africa's Challenges and Japan", speaker tbc, Waseda, 4pm
**6/21 - Ryoji Sato, presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo, "Person Perception and Predictive Processing"
6/21, **Hervé Le Bras, “Europe, Migration and Immigration”, Waseda, 18.15
6/22 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
**6/22 - Pyong Gap MIN, "Transnational Cultural Events among Korean Immigrants in the New York-New Jersey Area", Waseda University (Building 19, Room 710), 4.30pm
**6/22 - Dipesh Kharel, "Capturing the Changing Ethnoscape in Contemporary Japan: A Case Study of Nepali Migration to Japan,” Lakeland University Shinjuku Campus, 7pm
**6/22 - Sherry D. Fowler (University of Kansas), "Kannon by the Numbers: Locating Lost Image Alliances in Japan", Sophia University "Materialities of the Sacred" series, 5.30pm
**6/23 - International House of Japan screening of film "Cocktail Party", by Regge Life, 7pm
**6/23 - Keiko Kubota, "My Life as a World Bank Economist", TUFS, 17.40
**6/23 - "Spinning Night in Living Color: Light Installations by Elaine Buckholtz", International House of Japan, 7pm
**6/23 - Yuichi Hiono (Waseda), "The Royal Navy and American Naval Stores During the Seven Years' War", University of Tokyo, 7.30pm
?6/23 - Sophia American Studies Colloquium, David Ambaras, "アメリカ歴史学における社会史研究の展開と課題", 5pm
**6/24 - Peter O'Connor (Musashino), "The boa constrictor at the nursery door: Anglophone literary culture in the English-language press of 1920s East Asia", and Aiko Watanabe, "New Middlebrow Readerships: Serialised Novels in The Daily Mail Overseas Edition, 1919-1939", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/24 - 日本アメリカ文学会東京支部6月シンポジウム, Keio University, 1.30pm
6/24 - British Slang Workshop(ブリティッシュ・スラング)ワークショップ, British Council, 6.30pm
6/24 - - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
6/24 - World literature and Soseki presentation (夏目漱石生誕150年によせて、「夏目漱石と世界文学」), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会, 2pm
6/24 - 文化公演「絵解きの世界-物語と絵と語りの出会い-」, Toyo University
6/24 - 沼野充義, "ドストエフスキー、トルストイ、チェーホフ――ロシア文学の鬱蒼たる森を探索する", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 2pm
6/24 - ヨーロッパ中世・ルネサンス研究所第二十三回研究会 (European Middle Ages and Renaissance research presentation), Waseda University, 2pm
until 6/24 - Saul Leiter retrospective, Bunkamura Theatre, Shibuya
until 6/24 - Roman Cieslewicz: Melting Mirage, Ginza Graphic Gallery
until 6/25 - "Setsu Nagasawa 100th Anniversary: Master of Drawing, Charismatic Leader of Setsu Mode Seminar", Yayoi Museum
until 6/25 - "Chefs-d’œuvre du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims", Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Museum of Art
until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art
until 6/25 - Warriors Based on Novels of Kyokutei Bakin, Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum
until 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery
until 6/25 - "The Elegant Other: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Fashion and Art", Yokohama Museum of Art
until 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View
until 6/25 - "Novelists and Newspapers: The Golden Age 1900 - 1939", Komaba Museum
*6/24 - 6/25 - Cultural Typhoon (カルチュル・スタディーズ学会), Waseda University (http://cultural-typhoon.com/act/en/)
6/25 (Japanese) - フランス絵本作家とのワークショップ, International Library of Children's Literature, 1pm and 3pm
**6/25 - Symposium: "Art and Disability: The Cases from Africa and Asia", TUFS, 1pm
6/26 - Opera Salon, Italian Cultural Institute, 6.30pm
**6/26 - Judit Hidasi, “Womenomics - Remedy or Illusion?”, German Institute for Japanese Studies Chiyoda-ku, 6.30pm
6/27 - Book talk by Fumio Matsuo, author of "America and China: The Accommodating History of US-China Relationship", Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**6/27 - Timon Screech, "A Telescope and a Cargo of Paintings and Prints Sent from London to Japan in 1611-1616 - Their Purpose and Meaning", TUFS, 6pm
**6/27 - Book talk by Andrew L. Oros (Washington College), "Japan’s Security Renaissance: New Policies and Politics for the Twenty-First Century", Temple University, 7.30pm
*6/28 - Lecture by Canadian "rakugo" storyteller Katsura Sunshine, International House of Japan, 7pm
** 6/28 - Fabien FIESCHI, "EU Global Strategy", Waseda, 4..30pm
**6/28 - Andrew L. Oros (Washington College), Japan’s Security Renaissance: New Directions in Regional and US-Japan Relations, Japan Foundation, 3pm
**6/28 - Heidi Thomson, "Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode", Sophia University, 3.15pm
**6/29 - Heidi Thomson, "Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode", University of Tokyo, 1pm, followed by reading group (16.30) on Dr Thomson's recent book, "Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper: The Morning Post and the Road to Dejection"
**6/29 - Ian Condry (MIT), Music and the New Social Economy: Value and Livelihoods in a Post-Capitalist 21st Century, Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
6/29 - Symposium: Making Sense of President Trump's Foreign Policy (トランプ外交を評価する), University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, 3.15pm
6/29 - 江戸のスイーツ ~日本の食文化から~, Gakushuin, 4.30pm
6/30 - Intermediatheque Gramophone Concert, 6pm, University of Tokyo
6/30 - Tatsundo Koizumi, "Cultural Heritages in Sumer: the most ancient city Uruk and the others", UTokyo, 5.45pm
until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo
until 6/30 - Two Journalists: One Century (Tokyo Photographic Museum)
until 4/2 - Special Exhibition on "Titian and the Renaissance in Venice", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h28_titian.html)
until 4/2 - "Revisiting Siebold's Japan Museum", Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture
until 4/4 - Food design exhibition: "Jikifu: A Japanese Aesthetics of Taste", Intermediatheque
**4/4 - Javier Perez Jara, "The Feet of Clay underlying Bertrand Russell's Critiques of Idealism", UTokyo TFAP, time TBA
**4/4 - Joseph A. Kéchichian, "Donald Trump and the Middle East", TUFS, 6pm
**4/5 - "#vivalarevolucíon: New Millennium Political Protests", Temple University, 7pm
4/5 (Italian) - discussion with the Italian crime fiction writer Sandrone Dazieri, Italian Institute of Culture Tokyo, 6.30pm
until 4/5 - Treasures of the Waseda University Library exhibition
until 4/5 - Seize the Uncertain Day (ふたしかなその日), Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum
**4/7 - Martin Zebracki, "Whither Digital Public Art? The Question of Amphibian Matter", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.45pm
**4/7 - Guillermo Wilde, "Religious Conversion and the formation of Space-Time categories in the Borderland Missions", Waseda University, 10.40am
**4/7 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "The Qur'ān as an authority in Christian polemics against the Muslims in Medieval and Early Modern Europe", Keio University Mita Campus, 4.30pm
**4/8 - Katarzyna Starczewska, "Philology and Forced Conversion: The Role of Learned Converts in Qur'ānic translations in 16th-century Spain and Italy", Keio University Mita Campus, 2pm
4/8 (Japanese) Raymond Williams research meeting, 2pm, Chuo University
4/8 - (Japanese) Mari Akasaka (赤坂真理), America and Japan and Me (アメリカと日本と私), Tokyo American Literature Society special lecture, Keio Mita Campus, 2pm
until 4/9 - Exhibit on "The Romanov Dynasty: Russia seen from Japan, Japan seen from Russia", Toyo Bunko (http://www.toyo-bunko.or.jp/museum/romanov.pdf)
until 4/9 - Exhibition on cherry blossom in Rome (ローマの花見), Italian Cultural Centre
until 4/9 - "Edo and Beijing: Cities and Urban Life in the 18th Century", Edo-Tokyo Museum
4/10 - (Italian/Japanese) Conferenza “L’architettura che unisce”, Italian Institute of Culture
4/10 - (Japanese) Sou Fujimoto - "City, Design, Landscape, Public Space, Variety of Scale, Theme and Relationship with Society", International House of Japan, 7pm
4/11 - Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit, 「美とアイデンティティーグローバル化時代の文化的自己主張」, University of Tokyo, 7.30pm
**4/12 - Mariko Nagai and Robert Jacobs, "Narrative Histories of Nuclear Disaster: Hibakusha Memories and Mythologies", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm
**4/12 - Tony Chan (President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), "HKUST, Rising Asia and Global Impact", Keio University, 3.40pm
**4/13 - Artist Forum - Jami Nakamura Lin (Chicago-based author) reads from her novel-in-progress "The Sin Eaters", International House of Japan, 7pm
**4/13 - Antonella Ceccagno (Bologna), "City Making and Global Labor Regimes: Chinese Immigrants in Prato, Italy", Waseda University, 5pm
**4/14 - Matthew Gray (Waseda), "What will the Trump presidency mean for the Middle East?", Temple University Japan, 7:30pm
**4/14 - David Toop, "Boundaries of Practice Based on Learning", Tokyo University of the Arts, 5.30pm
until 4/16 - "Parody and Intertextuality: Visual Culture in Japan around the 1970s", Tokyo Station Gallery
until 4/16 - "This is Kyosai!" (これぞ暁斎), Bunkamura Museum of Art
*4/15 - Japanese Association for American History Master's Thesis forum, Aoyama Gakuin Women's College, 2pm
*4/15 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (1) - 12:30pm
**4/15 - Alexander Likhotal, "Russia as part of Europe or apart from Europe?", Temple University Japan, 3pm
4/15 - (Japanese) "Momoyama Ceramics: Japanese-style Tea Bowls from the Late 16th Century" (桃山の茶陶―和物茶碗), Tokyo National Museum, 1.30pm
**4/15 - 4/16 - "(Im)perfectionist Aesthetics", international symposium at Komaba Campus, UTokyo
4/16 - Symposium on Sri Lankan society (日常的実践からみるスリランカ社会), TUFS, 1pm
4/17 - (Japanese) Sino-Japanese Relations in the Age of Trump (トランプ時代の日中関係), Waseda, 2.45pm
**4/17 - Mats Berdal (KCL) - "The Future of Peacebuilding: Lessons from Afghanistan", United Nations University, 6.30pm
**4/17 - "Powerful or powerless Japan? Investigating the full extent of the world's third-largest power", Guibourg Delamotte (French Institute of Oriental Studies), Temple University, 12.30pm
*4/18 - Studying LGBTQ issues from the situation in America (多様な生き方を受容すること:LGBTQをめぐる米国の状況から), Waseda University, 16:30pm
4/18 (French) - Le rôle et l’influence des femmes dans les Jeux Olympiques de 2020, French Institute Tokyo, 7pm
**4/19 - Tim Bayne, "On the Interface Between Perception and Thought", UTokyo TFAP, time TBA
**4/19 - Shobhana Radhakrishna and Ravi Chopra, "Transformational Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and its relevance in contemporary world", TUFS, 10.10am
**4/19 - Robert Horres, "Traditional Colors in Japan", Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
**4/21 - Guillermo Wilde, "In the Limits of Missionary Knowledge and Practice: Indigenous rites and beliefs in comparative perspective", Waseda University, 10.40am
**4/21 - David Schlesinger, "News, the Media, Entertainment, Information, and Fakery", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
4/21 (Japanese) - Intermediatheque discussion - On Actors (俳優を語る), 6pm
*4/22 - Shakespeare Festival, Meiji University (http://www.s-sj.org/?p=3551)
4/22 - (Chinese language) seminar on independent Chinese films (現代中国インディペンデント映画の最前線――顧桃監督・応亮監督を迎えて), Waseda University, 2.50pm
4/22 - Emmanuel Cattin (Sorbonne), lecture in French on 「神の威光―エーリッヒ・プシュヴァラとマルティン・ハイデガーの思索の狭間で」(Majestas Dei: Erich Przywara and Martin Heidegger), Sophia University, 2pm
4/22 - English literature and Soseki presentation (英文学と漱石), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会館, 2pm
4/22 - Ruskin and Music (ラスキンと音楽), Ruskin Bunko Spring Symposium, 2pm (includes musical performance)
*4/22 - TUFS Cinema - Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films (2), TUFS, 12:30pm
*4/23 - "Performing Arts and Philosophy (3): Towards a Philosophy of Sound" (Peter Brotzmann / Paal Nilsen-Love / Toshinori Kondo, Senshu University, 3pm
**4/24 - Yi Mo (Oxford), "Modernity and Historicity in the Thought of Maruyama Masao", University of Tokyo GJS Seminar, 5pm
**4/24 - Paul R. Viotti (Denver), “Structural Realism–Intellectual and Experiential Sources of the Ideas Underlying Kenneth Waltz’s Theoretical Work”, Sophia, 1.30pm
until 4/25 - Meeting with Papua New Guinea, Waseda University Collection
4/25 - Michelle Lim, "Uncertain Economies: Some Notes on Sustainable Curating", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.30pm
**4/26 - Giuliano Torrengo (Milan) presentation on "The Flow of Time", and Tim Bayne (Monash) on "Ensemble Perception, Perceptual Judgement and the Contents Of Visual Experience", Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5-7pm
until 4/27 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 2: Japanese Antiquarian Books", Waseda University Library
4/27 - (Japanese) Haruki Murakami discusses translation with Motoyuki Shibata, Kinokuniya Southern Theatre Takashimaya, 7pm
4/27 - (Japanese) "Reconsidering Postwar Japan" (日本の戦後を問い返す), Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
4/27 - Workshop: "Two Olympic Cities: London and Tokyo", Tokyo University of the Arts, 1pm
4/27 (Japanese) 「世界文学に触れる」特別講演会 星野智幸さんを迎えて」, TUFS, 4pm
until 4/28 - "Tea utensils from the Tomioka Collection", Waseda University Aizu Museum (free)
**4/28 - Brian Boyd (Auckland), "Do Austen and Tolstoy need narrators? Does anyone?", UTokyo (Hongo Campus, Slavic Seminar Room, 7th floor, Faculty of Letters Bldg No.3), 4.50pm
(deadline 28 April 2017) - Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan (ASLE), for 2017 annual conference on 24-25 August at Seisen University
4/29 - Meiji Gakuin Concert Series 90th recital, 4pm
**4/29 - Warren Schultz (DePaul), "From Collections to Excavations: The Past, Present, and One Possible Future of Mamluk Numismatics", Waseda, 3.30pm
5/3 - 5/4 - Association for Studies of Picture Books annual conference, Ferris University (絵本と絵本学の今、そして未来へ)
until 5/6 - Italian Film Festival Tokyo (イタリア映画祭2017), Yurakucho Asahi Hall
*5/6 - Japan Nabokov Society Annual Meeting, Komazawa University - includes papers by Slava Bart, "An Artist of Thought: Nabokov in Light of Mikhail Epstein's "Philosophy of the Possible", and Brian Boyd, "Do the Senses Make Sense?"
5/6 - "山口県の旧制中学の外国人講師に関する研究:萩中学校を中心に", Historical Society of English Studies in Japan, Takushoku University
until 5/7 - Cherry Blossom Viewing at the Tokyo National Museum
until 5/7 - "Dawn of Japanese Photography: The Anthology", Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
until 5/7 - "Utagawa Kuniyoshi: His Pictorial Elegance in the 21st Century", Fuchu Art Museum
**5/8 - Asiatic Society of Japan - John Weber, "Sharing: A Collector's Journey" (talk on collecting Japanese/Asian art), International House of Japan, 6.30pm
**5/8, Joerg Loeschke, "Practical Reasons as Appropriate Value Responses", UTokyo, Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy
**5/8 - Ben Crystal, "Shakespeare’s Original Pronunciation - the Accent of Shakespeare", Kodaira Campus, Tsuda University, 4.20pm
(deadline 8 May 2017) - Japan Association for Digital Humanities "Creating Data through Collaboration" conference, Doshisha University (Kyoto), 11-12 September
**5/9 - Ben Crystal, "Shakespeare (As He Would Have Heard It)", Aoyama Gakuin University, 4.50pm
**5/10 - Ben Crystal, "Original Pronunciation Shakespeare - As He Would Have Heard It?", Waseda University, 6.15pm
**5/10 - Joerg Loeschke (Bern), "Practical Reasons as Appropriate Value Responses", Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo (TBA)
**5/10 - Jose Morias (ambassador), "Mozambique and Japan", Waseda School of International Liberal Studies, 4.30pm
5/10 "About Potentialities of Being Strange" (Akira Tsuboi guest lecture, 異物であることの可能性, TUFS, 2,2opm
**5/11 - Sharalyn Orbaugh, "What was sacred in Japan’s “sacred war”?: the boundaries of the sacred and profane in wartime kamishibai", Sophia University, 5.30pm
5/11 - TUFS African Studies Center opening ceremony, 4.30pm
**5/11 - "Living Diversity: A Comparative View on Identity, Gender and Sexual Orientation in Contemporary Japan and Germany", German Institute for Japanese Studies, 6.30pm
5/11 - Open lecture (Seigo Mikuriya, Noh actor, Wakikata Hôshô school), "The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Noh", ICU, 1.15pm
**5/11, Dalia El-Shayal, "Landmarks in the Art and Culture of Egypt", Rikkyo, 6.15pm
**5/12 - Anne Thomas, "Overcoming Disabilities and Discrimination and Living in Global Society", Toyo University, 1pm
**5/12 - Guy Ryder (Director-General of ILO) - "Future of Work: Towards Decent Jobs for All?", United Nations University, 6.30pm
5/13 - Soundings English Literary Association research presentation on Jonathan Swift, Sophia University
**5/13 - Eastern European Jewish music concert and performance (東欧ユダヤの音楽「クレズマー」-リヴァイヴァルと異文化接触を聴く--), Rikkyo University, 5pm
5/13 (Japanese) - "The Charm of Chanoyu: Ceramics of Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and China", Tokyo National Museum, 1.30pm
5/13 (Japanese) - 「南アジアにおける ベンガルを問う」(Bengal in South Asia symposium), TUFS, 1.30pm
5/13 - Japan Society for Children's Literature in English, Spring branch meeting, Hosei University
5/13 - Yozaburo Shirahata, "Sir Joseph Banks and the Plant Hunters - What we Learn from the History of Plants", ICU Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum, 2pm
5/13 - 5/14 - Japan Society for Literature and Christianity Annual Conference, Showa Women's University
until 5/12 - "Screening of Masterpieces of Tibetan Films Commemorating the Release of "The River"", TUFS
until 5/14 - Exhibition by photojournalist Hiromi Nagakura ("crawl and run towards the future"), Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Ebisu
until 5/14 - "Picture Scroll Enthusiasts" (絵巻マニア列伝), Suntory Museum of Art
until 5/14 - Fukuneko: Cat Art at Hyakudan Kaidan, Meguro Gajoen
5/15 - Nicoletta Conti - Lecture (in Italian) and performance of Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro", Italian Cultural Institute, 6.30pm
**5/15 - Michael Fish (Chicago), "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", 3pm
**5/16 - Book Break: "The Spy Across the Table: A Jim Brodie Thriller", Barry Lancet, Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**5/17 - Talk by Rina Tzinman at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, "The New Bodily View: A New Problem Solver?", UTokyo TFAP, 5pm
**5/17 - Analysis of the French elections, Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
until 5/18 - Laura Lieverani: Ainu Exhibition, Italian Cultural Institute
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/19 - Yasser Jamal Al Deen, "Message from a Syrian Refugee", Waseda University, 18:15
5/19 (Japanese lecture) - "The Spread of Non-Church Christianity throughout Japan: Magazines, Associations, and Networks", Tatsuya Akae, ICU, 1.30pm
5/19 (Japanese) - ICU Sacred Music Center Open Lecture with Performance, "Numbers and Music", Hiroki Sakaguchi
**5/19 - Haruki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan), "The Logic of Law and the Logic of Emergency in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India", University of Tokyo Political Economy (POETS) seminar, Kojima Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Kojima Hall, 7.30pm
**5/18 - Susanne Klien (Hokkaido U), "Young Urban Migrants in the Japanese Countryside between hope and precarity", Sophia University, 7pm
**5/18 - Chigusa Yamaura, "Colonial memories and marital norms in commercial matchmaking between Japan and Northeast China", UTokyo, 6.30pm
**5/19 - Yasser Jamal Al Deen, "Message from a Syrian Refugee", Waseda University, 18:15
5/19 (Japanese lecture) - "The Spread of Non-Church Christianity throughout Japan: Magazines, Associations, and Networks", Tatsuya Akae, ICU, 1.30pm
5/19 (Japanese) - ICU Sacred Music Center Open Lecture with Performance, "Numbers and Music", Hiroki Sakaguchi
**5/19 - Haruki Inagaki (Tokyo Metropolitan), "The Logic of Law and the Logic of Emergency in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India", University of Tokyo Political Economy (POETS) seminar, Kojima Conference Room, 2nd Floor, Kojima Hall, 7.30pm
until 5/20 - Yoshinobu Kato Exhibition — Spatial Beauty of Japanese Gardens, Gallery Kawafune
**5/20 - David Carter (University of Queensland), "“Australia is Very American”: Australian books and authors in the American marketplace.", lecture at the Australia and New Zealand Literature Society spring meeting (オーストラリア・ニュージーランド文学会), Meisei University, 15:35
*5/20 - "Child Migration in East/Southeast Asia: The Culture and Identity of Children Raised in a Transnational Household", TUFS, 1.30pm
5/20 - J.F. Oberlin Organ Concert 2017, 2pm
5/20 (Japanese) - Japan-Bengal Forum, TUFS, 10am
5/20 - Masatoshi Konishi, "Photo Archives of South Asian Folk Culture", TUFS, 1pm
(deadline 17 May 2017) - "Between the Visible and the Invisible" (East Asian religion / philosophy), Temple University, Japan
until 5/21 - Session: A Singular Painter, University Art Museum, Ueno
until 5/21 - Photography exhibition: "Wind under the wings – Année de l’oiseau de Muriel Pénicaud", French Institute Tokyo
5/22 - (French) Elisabetta Carpitelli (Grenoble), La dialectologie en France aujourd'hui, TUFS, 14.20
**5/22 - Michael Fisch, "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**5/22 - Sumiyo Nishizaki, "After Empire Comes Home: Economic Experiences of Japanese Civilian Repatriates, 1945-56", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
until 5/25 - Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
5/22 - (French) Elisabetta Carpitelli (Grenoble), La dialectologie en France aujourd'hui, TUFS, 14.20
**5/22 - Michael Fisch, "Repetition and Recovery: The Limits of Reason in Post 3.11 Japan", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**5/22 - Sumiyo Nishizaki, "After Empire Comes Home: Economic Experiences of Japanese Civilian Repatriates, 1945-56", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
5/23 (Japanese lecture) - Miki Okubo, "Challenge of an Alien (Étranger) Lecturer: How I Contribute to Enlivening University Classes through Creating Artistic Actions", Tokyo University of the Arts, 4.30pm
**5/24 - UNC-Chapel Hill mini-seminar: Cemil Aydin, "Imagining the Muslim World: Geopolitics, Race and Religion" and Carl W. Ernst, "Mysticism and Community in the Arabic Poems of al-Hallaj", UTokyo IASA, 1.45pm
5/24 - Special Lecture by the EU Ambassador to Japan; The EU in the world, and EU-Japan relations, Waseda University, 4.30pm
5/24 - Kutlay Yagmur (Tilburg U) "Immigrant Multiculturalism versus Language Education Policies in Europe", UTokyo Hongo Campus (Bungakubu 3-go-kan, 6th floor), 5pm (contact: [email protected])
5/24 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6pm
5/25 - Elucidating the mysteries of English through study of language history (英語史で解き明かす英語の不思議)(寺澤盾先生), Daito Bunka University, 2pm
5/25 - モダン・ガールの時代, University of Tokyo Komaba Campus, 3pm
5/25 - "All About Game and Art", Eddo Stern (UCLA), Waseda, 6.15pm
5/25 - フェリス150年:受け継がれた信仰―M. E. キダーとE. S. ブースとの対比においてー, Ferris Jogakuin, 2.30pm
**5/25 - "Living Text: The Qur’an, Gender Justice, and Muslims Today", UTokyo IASA, 5.30pm
**5/25, Morgan Pitelka (UNC Chapel Hill), Famous Objects: Agency and Materiality in the Collection of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616), Sophia, 6.30pm
**5/25 - Juljan Biontino (Chiba University), "Seoul's Namsan under Japanese Influence - Japanese Ritual Life and Assimilation Policy in Korea, 1890-1945", German Institute for Japanese Studies
5/25 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
**5/25 - Jeff Weingarten, “Waiting for a Whitman: Canadian Poetry and the Question of National Identity Since 1867”, University of Tokyo "Research in Progress" lecture series, 5pm
until 5/27 - The World of Imperial Costume (宮廷装束の世界), Gakushuin University
until 5/27 - Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", International Theatre Company London, dir. Paul Stebbings, various locations in Tokyo
5/26 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (39) – Birth of a Duke”, Intermediatheque
5/26 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6.30pm
5/26 - Antonin Bechler, The Construction of Violence in Kenzaburo Oe (大江健三郎における暴力の構造), UTokyo Komaba campus, 3pm
**5/26 - Richard Armitage (former US Deputy Secretary of State), "Japan-US Relationship under the New Administration", Keio, 3pm
**5/26 - "Tohoku: Two Voices in English: A Bilingual Poetry Reading", Isobar Press event with readings from Peter Robinson (and translator Miki Iwata), and Masaya Saito, Kinokuniya Tokyo, 6.30pm
**5/26 - 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International printmaking symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts
**5/26 - “Running into the dark: Legality, power and “conversion capability” among Chinese technical interns in Japan”, Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (time TBC)
5/27 (French) - "La Nuit de la Philo 2017" - Les règles du jeu, French Institute Tokyo - includes "Pierre Motron en concert"
5/27 - American Lit. Society of Japan May meeting, (なぜ古典を読むのか: ソローの読書論 ), Keio Mita, 1pm
5/27 (Japanese) - 戸塚まつり参加企画】映画「標的の村」上映会とアフタートーク, Meiji Gakuin, 1.40pm
5/26 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (39) – Birth of a Duke”, Intermediatheque
5/26 - Philippe Capelle-Dumont, lecture in French on Christian philosophy, Sophia, 6.30pm
5/26 - Antonin Bechler, The Construction of Violence in Kenzaburo Oe (大江健三郎における暴力の構造), UTokyo Komaba campus, 3pm
**5/26 - Richard Armitage (former US Deputy Secretary of State), "Japan-US Relationship under the New Administration", Keio, 3pm
**5/26 - "Tohoku: Two Voices in English: A Bilingual Poetry Reading", Isobar Press event with readings from Peter Robinson (and translator Miki Iwata), and Masaya Saito, Kinokuniya Tokyo, 6.30pm
**5/26 - 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International printmaking symposium, Tokyo University of the Arts
**5/26 - “Running into the dark: Legality, power and “conversion capability” among Chinese technical interns in Japan”, Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (time TBC)
5/27 (French) - "La Nuit de la Philo 2017" - Les règles du jeu, French Institute Tokyo - includes "Pierre Motron en concert"
5/27 - American Lit. Society of Japan May meeting, (なぜ古典を読むのか: ソローの読書論 ), Keio Mita, 1pm
5/27 (Japanese) - 戸塚まつり参加企画】映画「標的の村」上映会とアフタートーク, Meiji Gakuin, 1.40pm
**5/28 - Lecture on church music by Julian Collings (musical director of St Cyprian's Singers in London), Rikkyo University, 5pm
until 5/28 - Special Exhibition: "Akamon Gate: From Yo-hime Palace to the University of Tokyo", University of Tokyo Museum
until 5/28 - Zureta (the misprint), International Contemporary Printed Art exhibition, Tokyo University of the Arts
until 5/28 - "A Lonely Impulse of Delight: W.B. Yeats Print Collection", Tokyo University of the Arts University Museum Chinretsukan Gallery
until 5/28 - "Animals in Ukiyo-e", Ota Memorial Museum of Art
5/29 - Seisuke Yamasaki, talk on teaching Shakespeare to children (子供のためのシェイクスピア − 今を生きる子供たちへ ), Waseda, 6.30pm
5/29 (French) - Conférence-débat : La police et le maintien de l'ordre à l'époque moderne ( Japon et France ), TUFS, 2pm
**5/29 - Peter Robinson, "Intention and Biography: The Case of William Empson's 'Aubade'", Tokyo Woman's Christian University, 2.55pm
**5/29 - Mariko Ijima (Sophia), "Coffee Web: Mapping the Movement of People, Objects, and Knowledge Across Asia-Pacific", 5pm
5/29 - Jacques Dumont (Professeur de l’Université des Antilles) "Une histoire contemporaine des Antilles françaises : littérature, histoire, identités", Waseda, 6.15pm
**5/29 - Jose Montaño (Rikkyo), "What Japanese Cinema Matters? Anime and Comedy in Spanish Film Criticism", UTokyo IASA, 4pm
5/30 - (Japanese digital humanities event) - "Making use of DOI in the humanities" (人文学でのDOI活用 〜研究データや所蔵品など研究資源へのDOI付与〜), Centre for Open Data in the Humanities, 1pm
**5/30 - Lisa McGirr (Harvard) - 新保守主義の起源から考える現代アメリカ (Understanding Modern America through the Rise of Neoconservatism), Rikkyo, 6.30pm
**5/30 - Guillaume Carré (EHESS), "The Origin and the End of Domain Currency in Early Modern Japan", UTokyo IASA, 4.30pm
**5/31 - Stanford University Mindfulness Education, Dr Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu, International House of Japan, 6pm
**5/31 - Markus Nornes (University of Michigan), "Chinese Cinema as Asian Cinema", Waseda, 4.30pm
**5/31 - Astronaut Chris Hadfield book talk, "The Darkest Dark", Embassy of Canada, 4.30pm (for children aged 4 - 10)
**5/31 - Francesco Di Lorio, "World 3 and Methodological Individualism in Popper’s Thought", UTokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, 5pm
6/1 (Japanese lecture) - The World of Traditional Japanese Culture: Gidayû-bushi, Koshiko Takemoto, Tayû, and Ms. Kan’ya Tsuruzawa, Shamisen player, ICU open lecture, 1.15pm
**6/1 - Annelise Riles, "Japan and The Changing Politics of Central Banking", UTokyo, 6.30pm
6/1 - Ronald Hendel, Exodus, Conquest and the Alchemy of Memory, Rikkyo, 6.30pm
6/2 - Tibetan Literature Night (チベット文学ナイト 黒狐の夜), TUFS, 7pm (registration required)
6/2 - Seiwan Kim (Ewha Womans’ University), "“Is North Korean economy better under Kim Jeong-Un regime?", Waseda, 1pm
6/2 - Lisa McGirr (Harvard), "Understanding the American Right: Has Trump Proved Historians Wrong?", Rikkyo
6/2 - Saga Kobayashi - Butoh Performance, "Incubate" (孵化する), Keio University Art Center, 6.30pm
until 6/2 - "Waseda University Central Library 25th Anniversary Exhibition Part 3: The Materials from Across the Sea", Waseda University
6/3 - Toyo University International Philosophy Centre, "情報、身体、ネットワーク 21世紀の情報理解に向けて", Toyo University, 10am
6/3 - "日本におけるサモア人妻たちの子育て", Ochanomizu University, 3.10pm
6/3 - Tokyo Embassy Choir summer charity concert, Otsuma Women's University, 6pm
6/3 - Symposium: “Japan, the Land of the Kami as Perceived by Lafcadio Hearn”: includes lectures on “Lafcadio Hearn and Shinto — Towards an Irish and a Greek Interpretation”, and “The Image of Shinto Shrines in the Works of Lafcadio Hearn”, by Prof. Yoko Makino. Asiatic Society of Japan, 1.35pm
6/3 - Japan Gaskell Society 29th Annual Meeting, Omiya Conference Centre (http://www.gaskell.jp/reikai.html)
until 6/4 - "Chanoyu: The Arts of Tea Ceremony, The Essence of Japan", Tokyo National Museum (Ueno)
until 6/4 - Journey to 19th century Paris - searching for forgotten streets (19世紀パリ時間旅行―失われた街を求めて―), Nerima Art Museum
until 6/4 - Celtic Vision: Contemporary Irish Artists, Tir Na Nog Gallery (Setagaya-ku)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japanese Association for American Studies (アメリカ学会) annual conference, Waseda University (http://www.jaas.gr.jp/meeting.html)
*6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Medieval European Studies annual conference, Tokyo Metropolitan University, includes lecture in English by Michael Raby (McGill): "Between Sleeping and Waking: Hypnagogia in Medieval Literature", 16:45 (6/3)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Theatre Research annual conference, Keio University Hiyoshi campus
6/4 - Japan Bronte Society "Bronte Day" open lectures - Yokohama City University
6/4 (Japanese) - "Higher Liberal-Arts Education: Current Situation and Problems", (高度教養教育の現状と課題), UTokyo Hongo campus, 2pm
6/4 - Malgorzata Tryuk, Cinematic Imagination of War and Human Condition, Rikkyo, 1pm
6/3 - 6/4 - Japanese Association for American Studies (アメリカ学会) annual conference, Waseda University (http://www.jaas.gr.jp/meeting.html)
*6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Medieval European Studies annual conference, Tokyo Metropolitan University, includes lecture in English by Michael Raby (McGill): "Between Sleeping and Waking: Hypnagogia in Medieval Literature", 16:45 (6/3)
6/3 - 6/4 - Japan Society for Theatre Research annual conference, Keio University Hiyoshi campus
6/4 - Japan Bronte Society "Bronte Day" open lectures - Yokohama City University
6/4 (Japanese) - "Higher Liberal-Arts Education: Current Situation and Problems", (高度教養教育の現状と課題), UTokyo Hongo campus, 2pm
6/4 - Malgorzata Tryuk, Cinematic Imagination of War and Human Condition, Rikkyo, 1pm
6/5 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第2回研究会 (Research presentation on journal records of the Islamic world), Toyo Bunko, 5pm
**6/5 - Crystyl Mo, "Chefs, Trends, and Tastes at the World’s Best Restaurants and Beyond", Sophia University ICC, 6pm
**6/5 - Brian Locke, "Racial Triangulation: Japan and the Cultural Politics of Hollywood's White and Black Buddy Film", UTokyo IASA, 4pm
**6/5 - Jana K. Lipman (Tulane U.), "Guam to Palawan: Opposing Narratives of Vietnamese Repatriation, 1975 and 1995", UTokyo Centre for Pacific and American Studies, 6.30pm
**6/5 - Jeannie N. Shinozuka, "Plants, Pathogens, and Empire: Race Across the Pacific in the Early 20th Century", Sophia University Institute of American and Canadian Studies, 5pm
**6/6 - Film screening: Tito’s Glasses (Titos Brille) (with English subtitles), Sophia University, 6pm
**6/6 - Paul Anderer, "Kurosawa's Rashomon", Waseda, 4.30pm
6/6 - 「メソポタミアの混乱― アリ監督に聞く「戦争と生きる力」―」ショートフィルム上映会&講演会, Gakushuin University, 4.30pm
until 6/5 - Alfonso Mucha Exhibition (ミュシャ展), National Art Center, Tokyo
6/7 - Masahiro Yamada (Claremont Graduate University), "Troubles with Constitutivism in Epistemology (and Ethics)", presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm
**6/7 - Nan Elizabeth Woodruff (Pennsylvania), "Living With The Everyday Legacies of Violence: Race, History, Memory, and Trauma in the U.S. South", Meiji Gakuin, 6pm
6/7 - 西洋、日本、東アジアの美術交渉をめぐる歴史の力学──Translationをめぐって, UTokyo, 5pm
**6.7 - Catherine Denys (Lille), "The Port Louis Police Office in the Ile de France (Mauritius) 1767-89: Parisian model and colonial adaptations", TUFS, 12.40pm
**6/8 - Nicholas Phillipson (Edinburgh), "Adam Smith in Context; A Historian's Reflections", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 3pm
6/8 - Screening of Iranian film (I'm Taraneh) and Q&A with director, TUFS, 7pm
**6/8 - Mengxiao Wang, "Journey of a Buddhist Play: The Reception History of Guiyuan jing on the Page and the Stage, 1650~1949", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**6/8 - James McNally, Across the Atlantic: A cultural history of hip-hop's early years in London, TUFS, 5.45pm
**6/8 - Andrea Revelant, Ca’ Foscari University, "Revolution and Empire: the Northern Expedition in the Japanese Press, 1926-28"
6/9 - "The 'DNA' of Literature: World Literature and Modern Japanese Literature" (文学の‛DNA’―世界文学と日本近代文学), National Institute of Japanese Literature
**6/9 - Paul Anderer, "The Brothers Kurosawa", Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 5pm
until 6/9 - Tokyo Photographic Museum, Scrolling Through Heisei Part 1
until (tbc) - "Tokyo Mosaic (2): The Face of New Japan", Intermediatheque
until 6/11 - Treasures of the Natural History Museum in London, National Museum of Nature and Science Ueno
until 6/11 - Naoki Sato, "Unexplored Tokyo: There, It Has Grown", 3331 Arts Chiyoda (Suehirocho)
until 6/11 - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", dance production by Onodera Shuji Company Derashinera, New National Theatre Tokyo (http://www.nntt.jac.go.jp/en…/productions/detail_008007.html)
until 6/11 - Indian contemporary artist N.S. Harsha, Mori Art Museum, http://www.mori.art.museum/english/contents/n_s_harsha/
6/10 - "Sacred Sight, Sacred Sound" Lecture Conference (曼荼羅をきく・アヴェ・マリアをみる), International Christian University, 2pm
6/10 - 早稲田大学東洋哲学会 第34回大会 (Waseda University Asian Philosophy 34th Conference)
*6/10 - Bernard Shaw Society of Japan conference, including paper by Nicholas R. Williams ("A Theatrical Web of Obscure Events and Equally Obscure Characterizations: An Interpretation of Too True to Be Good (1932)"), Jumonji University Sugamo Satellite campus, 1.30pm
6/10 -村松真理子, Who was D'Annunzio? (ダンヌンツィオとは誰だったのか?), UTalk Cafe Event, University of Tokyo Fukutake Hall
**6/10 - David and Anna Sapir Abulafia double presentation, "How to Write the History of the Sea" and "The Contested Seed of Abraham", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 1.10pm
**6/10 - David Carter (Queensland), "Literary Celebrity in Newspapers and Magazines: Australia between the Wars", and Peter Robinson (JWU), "Capricious Captioning and Narrative Instability: Hugh Lofting’s Doctor Dolittle Newspaper Illustrations", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/11 - Meiji Gakuin concert series (明治学院コンサート・シリーズ 第91回 ≪ブラームスのハ短調≫), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm
6/11 - "Life as dynamism-in search of a methodological connection between affect, thinking, and art", ILCAA Joint Research Project seminar, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1pm
6/12 - Bengal Poetry reading, TUFS
6/13 - "The Hidden Truth About Japanese Culture", lecture, Temple University Japan, 5pm
**6/13 - Nick Prior, "On Vocal Assemblages: From the Microphone to Miku", Tokyo U of the Arts, 6.30pm
**6/14 - Georg Northoff (Ottawa), talk at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, "A spatiotemporal model of consciousness: Can we replace the mind-body problem by the world-brain problem?", UTokyo, 5pm
6/14 - Russian Animated Film Screening ~ The World of Yuriy Norshteyn ~, TUFS, 17.40
6/14 - ハムレットの哲学とキリスト教, Hibiya College, 7pm
**6/14 - Patricia Steinhoff (University of Hawaii), "Japanese Studies in the Age of Globalization", UTokyo IASA, 3pm
6/14 - Film screening: Saudade, TUFS, 5.45pm
**6/14 - Kenneth Mori McElwain, "What do people mean when they talk about constitutional revision?", Ochanomizu, 5pm
**6/15 - Tokyo Humanities Cafe, "Good Heavens" bar Shimokitazawa, 7.30pm
**6/15 - Shun-liang Chao (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), "Humour as a Moral Attitude: Surrealist Laughter and Childhood Nonsense", University of Tokyo Department of English, 1pm
**6/15 - 英米文学科公開講演会, 小川 高義 氏, 『翻訳の現場レポート』(仮題), Komazawa University, 1.10pm
**6/15 - Shiyang Zhang, "Study on “Tong Si Tang Diary” collected in Seikado Bunko", UTokyo, 5pm
**6/15 - Johan Rochel, "Ethics of Immigration: Is Japan’s immigration policy justifiable?", UTokyo ISS, 6.30pm
**6/15 - Bert Winther-Tamaki (UC Irvine), Earth Photography from HAMAYA Hiroshi to NAKAHIRA Takuma, UTokyo IASA, 4pm
**6/15 - Johan Rochel, "Ethics of Immigration: Is Japan’s immigration policy justifiable?", University of Tokyo, 6.30pm
6/16 - 6/17 - Japan Society for Stylistics Annual Conference, Oberlin University
**6/16 - Yasuko Naka, "Thinking about gender ~Expressions of masculinity and femininity within Takarazuka~", Waseda University, 4.30pm
6/16 - International Joint Workshop Film Screening “The MASSIVE and the minute”, Intermediatheque, 5pm
*6/17 - English Literary Society of Japan (ELSJ) Kanto branch spring meeting, Meiji Gakuin University, including Markman Ellis (University of London) lecture on "Sensibility, Slavery, and Empire", 4.15pm (room 2302)
**6/17 - Roger Robins (University of Tokyo), "Literary Evangelicalism in the Late Nineteenth Century: From Romanticism to Sentimentality", and Torahiko Terada (University of Tokyo), "Illustration of the Novel and Reproduction Technologies", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/17 - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
*6/17 - 6/18 - Australian Studies Association of Japan Annual Conference, Seijo University
6/17 - 【中国語中国文学コース講演会】「『陳独秀文集』全三巻(東洋文庫)翻訳で見えてきたこと, Toyo Bunko, 2pm
6/17 - 森田 直子, 痛みと感情のイギリス史, Toyo University, 1.30pm
6/17 - Emily Dickinson Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Komazawa University, 1pm
until 6/17 - Collection of Nagasaki hanga relating to the Dutch trade (富田万里子コレクション長崎版画展), Waseda Aizu Museum (see also related exhibition here)
until 6/18 - "Old Masters from the State Hermitage Museum", Mori Arts Center Gallery
until 6/18 - "The formation process of print typeface: from movable type to digital font", Printing Museum Tokyo
until 6/18 - "Adolf Wölfli: A Kingdom of 25,000 Pages", Tokyo Station Gallery
**6/19 - Mario Telò, “Trump and the Brexit: a crisis of regional cooperation in Europe and in the world?”, Waseda, 16.30
**6/19 - Dr. Hans Carl von Werthern (German ambassador to Japan), “Why Ambassadors? The role of diplomacy in a globalizing world”, Asiatic Society of Japan, 6.30pm
**6/19 - Thomas Rhydwen (Translator, Keio University), Confucianism and the Kyoto School: An East Asian Interpretation of the Kyoto School’s Political Philosophy, University of Tokyo, 5pm
6/19 - 連続講演会 アジア史のひろば, Waseda University, 4.30pm
6/20 (German lecture w/ Japanese translation) - “Arcimboldo: Betwixt Mimesis and Fantasia”, National Museum of Western Art ,2pm
**6/20 - Markman Ellis (University of London), "Cultures of the Coffee-House and Tea-Table in Britain 1650-1750", Gakushuin, 6pm
**6/20 - Ali Humayun Akhtar (Bates College, USA), "Reorienting the Dutch East India Company: Europeans as Inter-Asian Brokers in Jakarta and Nagasaki", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**6/20 - Literary Dialogue between Canadian and Japanese Women Writers “What’s On the Minds of Women Writers Today?” (Madeleine Thien in dialogue with Yukiko Chino and Hiiragi Nonaka), Embassy of Canada, 6.30pm
**6/20 - "Old Architecture / New Architecture & the Space Between", Geoffrey Moussas, Waseda, 3pm
**6/21 - "Africa's Challenges and Japan", speaker tbc, Waseda, 4pm
**6/21 - Ryoji Sato, presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo, "Person Perception and Predictive Processing"
6/21, **Hervé Le Bras, “Europe, Migration and Immigration”, Waseda, 18.15
6/22 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
**6/22 - Pyong Gap MIN, "Transnational Cultural Events among Korean Immigrants in the New York-New Jersey Area", Waseda University (Building 19, Room 710), 4.30pm
**6/22 - Dipesh Kharel, "Capturing the Changing Ethnoscape in Contemporary Japan: A Case Study of Nepali Migration to Japan,” Lakeland University Shinjuku Campus, 7pm
**6/22 - Sherry D. Fowler (University of Kansas), "Kannon by the Numbers: Locating Lost Image Alliances in Japan", Sophia University "Materialities of the Sacred" series, 5.30pm
**6/23 - International House of Japan screening of film "Cocktail Party", by Regge Life, 7pm
**6/23 - Keiko Kubota, "My Life as a World Bank Economist", TUFS, 17.40
**6/23 - "Spinning Night in Living Color: Light Installations by Elaine Buckholtz", International House of Japan, 7pm
**6/23 - Yuichi Hiono (Waseda), "The Royal Navy and American Naval Stores During the Seven Years' War", University of Tokyo, 7.30pm
?6/23 - Sophia American Studies Colloquium, David Ambaras, "アメリカ歴史学における社会史研究の展開と課題", 5pm
**6/24 - Peter O'Connor (Musashino), "The boa constrictor at the nursery door: Anglophone literary culture in the English-language press of 1920s East Asia", and Aiko Watanabe, "New Middlebrow Readerships: Serialised Novels in The Daily Mail Overseas Edition, 1919-1939", University of Tokyo, 2pm
6/24 - 日本アメリカ文学会東京支部6月シンポジウム, Keio University, 1.30pm
6/24 - British Slang Workshop(ブリティッシュ・スラング)ワークショップ, British Council, 6.30pm
6/24 - - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
6/24 - World literature and Soseki presentation (夏目漱石生誕150年によせて、「夏目漱石と世界文学」), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会, 2pm
6/24 - 文化公演「絵解きの世界-物語と絵と語りの出会い-」, Toyo University
6/24 - 沼野充義, "ドストエフスキー、トルストイ、チェーホフ――ロシア文学の鬱蒼たる森を探索する", UTokyo Hongo Campus, 2pm
6/24 - ヨーロッパ中世・ルネサンス研究所第二十三回研究会 (European Middle Ages and Renaissance research presentation), Waseda University, 2pm
until 6/24 - Saul Leiter retrospective, Bunkamura Theatre, Shibuya
until 6/24 - Roman Cieslewicz: Melting Mirage, Ginza Graphic Gallery
until 6/25 - "Setsu Nagasawa 100th Anniversary: Master of Drawing, Charismatic Leader of Setsu Mode Seminar", Yayoi Museum
until 6/25 - "Chefs-d’œuvre du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Reims", Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Museum of Art
until 6/25 - "Reflections of Nature", Yohohama Museum of Art
until 6/25 - Warriors Based on Novels of Kyokutei Bakin, Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum
until 6/25 - "Japan, the Archipelago of the House: Contemporary Japanese houses seen through photographs by a French photographer and architects" (日本、家の列島), Shiodome Museum Rouault Gallery
until 6/25 - "The Elegant Other: Cross-Cultural Encounters in Fashion and Art", Yokohama Museum of Art
until 6/25 - Marvel: Age of Heroes, Roppongi Hills Tokyo City View
until 6/25 - "Novelists and Newspapers: The Golden Age 1900 - 1939", Komaba Museum
*6/24 - 6/25 - Cultural Typhoon (カルチュル・スタディーズ学会), Waseda University (http://cultural-typhoon.com/act/en/)
6/25 (Japanese) - フランス絵本作家とのワークショップ, International Library of Children's Literature, 1pm and 3pm
**6/25 - Symposium: "Art and Disability: The Cases from Africa and Asia", TUFS, 1pm
6/26 - Opera Salon, Italian Cultural Institute, 6.30pm
**6/26 - Judit Hidasi, “Womenomics - Remedy or Illusion?”, German Institute for Japanese Studies Chiyoda-ku, 6.30pm
6/27 - Book talk by Fumio Matsuo, author of "America and China: The Accommodating History of US-China Relationship", Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**6/27 - Timon Screech, "A Telescope and a Cargo of Paintings and Prints Sent from London to Japan in 1611-1616 - Their Purpose and Meaning", TUFS, 6pm
**6/27 - Book talk by Andrew L. Oros (Washington College), "Japan’s Security Renaissance: New Policies and Politics for the Twenty-First Century", Temple University, 7.30pm
*6/28 - Lecture by Canadian "rakugo" storyteller Katsura Sunshine, International House of Japan, 7pm
** 6/28 - Fabien FIESCHI, "EU Global Strategy", Waseda, 4..30pm
**6/28 - Andrew L. Oros (Washington College), Japan’s Security Renaissance: New Directions in Regional and US-Japan Relations, Japan Foundation, 3pm
**6/28 - Heidi Thomson, "Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode", Sophia University, 3.15pm
**6/29 - Heidi Thomson, "Private Letter or Public Poem? The Case of Coleridge’s Dejection: An Ode", University of Tokyo, 1pm, followed by reading group (16.30) on Dr Thomson's recent book, "Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper: The Morning Post and the Road to Dejection"
**6/29 - Ian Condry (MIT), Music and the New Social Economy: Value and Livelihoods in a Post-Capitalist 21st Century, Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
6/29 - Symposium: Making Sense of President Trump's Foreign Policy (トランプ外交を評価する), University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, 3.15pm
6/29 - 江戸のスイーツ ~日本の食文化から~, Gakushuin, 4.30pm
6/30 - Intermediatheque Gramophone Concert, 6pm, University of Tokyo
6/30 - Tatsundo Koizumi, "Cultural Heritages in Sumer: the most ancient city Uruk and the others", UTokyo, 5.45pm
until 6/30 - The Major Works of Goethe (ゲーテの主要著作), Goethe Museum Tokyo
until 6/30 - Two Journalists: One Century (Tokyo Photographic Museum)