July - September 2017
7/1 - 遠藤佳那子,「アストン『日本文語文典』における国学の受容, Historical Society of English Studies in Japan, 拓殖大学文京キャンパス
7/1 - Workshop on "Contemporary Crises in the Asia-Pacific", Sophia University
7/1 - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
**7/1 - Keith Hanley (Lancaster), “Laurence Binyon: Romantic Modernist and the Invention of Japan”, 11am (Room 2, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo)
7/1 - Tokyo Poetry Journal Vol. 4 Launch Party, Tokyo Salon (Omotesando), 7pm
7/1 - 7/2 - Tokyo Workshop on Social and Collective Self-Conscious Emotions, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus
7/2 - Avi Schlaim and Khalil Nakhleh, "The Influence of the Occupation in 1967 to the Present", UTokyo, 1pm
7/3 - 程 正 先生 (仏教学部教授)「英蔵敦煌文献から発見された禅籍について―S6980以降を中心に―」, Komazawa University, 4.20pm
7/3 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第3回研究会, Toyo Bunko, 5pm
7/3 - Haruko Wakabayashi (Princeton), Visualizing Hungry Ghosts in Heian Japan: *Gaki zōshi *as a Transcultural Adaptation of *Zhengfa nianchu jing*, University of Tokyo, 5pm
7/3 - Hanna H. Kim, "Embedded Meanings and Relations: Reckoning Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple Complexes Through Material and Devotional Tracings", TUFS, 6.30pm
7/4 - 堀江 敏幸 氏,「言葉との出会い、言葉とのすれちがい」, Komazawa University, 4.30pm
**7/4 - Nick Prior, "‘It Doesn’t Take a Human to Sing a Good Song’: Assembling the Layers of Hatsune Miku", UTokyo Hongo (Faculty of Engineering Building 2 (工学2号館), Room 92B), 1pm
**7/4 - Sharalyn Orbaugh, "Japan and its Colonies in the Fifteen Year War: how propaganda kamishibai was used to reconcile naichi and gaichi", Rikkyo, 6.30pm
**7/4 - Jane H. Yamashiro, "Redefining Japaneseness: Japanese Americans in the Ancestral Homeland", Temple University ICAS, 7.30pm
7/4, Li Ji Cang, The Future of Sino-Japanese Relations Seen from Tanigawa Michio’s Research in Chinese History - Cultural Exchange and Intellectual Thoughts, IHJ, 6.30pm
7/4 - (Turkish and Japanese) "オスマン帝国史研究会", Meiji University, 5.15pm
7/4 - ナンダ・コート初登頂80周年記念事業 (Documentary and talk commemorating the scaling of the Nanda Kot peak in 1936), Rikkyo, 5pm
7/4 - チロンバートル教授, モンゴル国のキリスト教の現状 (Christianity in Mongolia), J.F. Oberlin University, 3pm
until 7/2 - "The Sophisticated Women and Men of Edo as Seen in Their Kimonos and Accessories", Tobacco and Salt Museum
until 7/2 - The Art of Eric Carle, Setagaya Art Museum
until 7/2 - "The Woodcut World of Asano Takeji", Fuchu Art Museum
until 7/2 - Technique and Expression in Traditional Japanese Art: Decorated Papers, Nezu Museum
until 7/2 - Exhibition on "Bruegel's ‘The Tower of Babel'", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h29_babel.html) (also see this exhibition at Geidai)
until 7/2 - あゝ新宿 アングラ×ストリート×ジャズ展 (Shinjuku exhibition), Waseda
**7/5 - Thomas Mormann (University of the Basque Country), "From Chaos to Reality: How Carnap Built Worlds in the 1920s" presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm
**7/5 - Khalil Nakhleh, "Whither the 'Peace Process'? Towards reconstruction of Palestinian society", TUFS, 6.30pm
**7/5 - Chunjie Zhang, "The Reception of Chinese Gardens in 18th Century England and Germany", University of Tokyo, 5.30pm
**7/5 - Robert H. Sharf, Knowing Blue: Ābhidharmika Accounts of Non-Conceptual Sense Perception, (「青の認識 : 非概念的感官知のアビダルマ的説明」) Waseda, 5pm
**7/5 - Sakura Aoyama, "Fashion and jewellery of the early 20th century, as seen in Downton Abbey", Japan-Britain Society, 12pm
**7/6 - Michael Plugh (Manhattan College), "Born Again Yokozuna: Sports Media and National Identity", Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
7/6 - Chuo University "Bun Cafe" (Literature Cafe) "歴史ですが、それで?", 3.15pm
**7/6 - Michael Prieler, Hallym University, "Gender Representations in East Asian Television Advertisements: Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea", DIJ Tokyo, 6.30pm
**7/6 - John-Paul Salter (KCL), “The new UK-EU relations: The Brexit negotiations after the General Election of 8 June”, Waseda, 10.40am
**7/7 - "The Seventh Sense: Love Songs from the Erotic Orbits: A Celebration of Tanabata", Warehouse Terrada
7/7 - マライ・メントライン,ドイツ vs 日本 マンガ文化 教養権威国家の葛藤 その現状をさぐる, Waseda, 4.30pm
**7/7 - Peter Robinson with Miki Iwata, "Transcultural Exchanges: Poetry and Translation", Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
7/7 - Claire Rodier, "欧州難民危機の虚像と現実" (European migration crisis myths and reality), Komazawa, 6pm
7/7 - 7/9 - "Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage : Local Communities, Researchers, States and UNESCO", Seijo University
**7/7 - 7/8 - 21st Asian Studies Conference Japan, Rikkyo University (http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~ascj/)
7/8 - 7/9 - "Beyond Sustainable Architecture and Smart City: Re-Humanization of Urban Spaces. Symposium & Workshop", Italian Institute of Culture
7/8 - "クザーヌスの神化思想について" (The Apotheosis of Nicholas of Cusa), Waseda University, 1pm
7/8 - F. Scott Fitzgerald Society of Japan Annual Conference, Kyorin University, 12pm
7/8 - オスマン史研究会第6回定例大会, TUFS, 2pm
**7/8 - Workshop on "Deconstructing Insularity: The Pacific as a 'Sea of Islands'", Rikkyo University
7/8 - Catherine Butler (Cardiff), 日本のアニメに描かれたイギリス:真実、虚構、ファンタジー (Britain in Anime: Truth, Fiction, and Fantasy), International Library of Children's Literature, 2pm
7/8 - Symposium: 文化史上の源氏物語 (Genji Monogatari from the view of cultural history), Ochanomizu, 1pm
7/8 - Samuel Beckett Research Circle of Japan conference, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama Campus, 1pm
7/8 - 7/9 - 日本民俗学国際シンポジウム (Japan Folklore International Symposium), Seijo University
7/9 - Film screening: "Sayama: Till the Invisible Handcuffs Are Unlocked" (みえない手錠をはずすまで), dir. Kim Sung Woong, Sophia University, 6pm
7/9 - One-day workshop: "Transformation of Ottoman Society During the Eighteenth Century", Toyo Bunko, 10.30am
**7/9 - “Considering the Past and Present of Palestine/Israel: 100 Years after the Balfour Declaration and 50 Years after the Occupation 1967”, TUFS, 2pm
7/10 - Takahiro Yamamoto, 'A lame effort'?: Meiji Japan's response to foreign fur animal hunters in the Kuril Islands, UTokyo, 5pm
**7/10 - Petrice R. Flowers, "Human Rights Networking in Japan", J.F. Oberlin, 4.10pm
**7/10 - Forum: "Creating a Society for Female Participation with the Support of Men", GRIPS, 16.40
**7/11 - Patrick Cammaert, “Challenges to Peacekeeping in the 21st Century”, United Nations University, 6.30pm
7/12 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 5pm
**7/12 - Ran Zwigenberg (Pennsylvania State University), "Japan's Modern Castles: Reclaiming the Past and Proclaiming the Future", Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
7/12 - セクシュアル・マイノリティの暮らしの困りごと~まずは知ることから~, Meiji Gakuin, 18.30
7/12 - 7/13 - TUFS Summer Seminar 2017: "Language, Literature, Society: Constructive Approach to International Japanese Studies", with postgraduate workshop
7/12 - Tobuken Seminar "Japonya'da Sohbet-i Osmaniye-5", University of Tokyo, 5.30pm
**7/12 - Erez Golani Solomon, "2020 : Difficulties Imagining the Future"(2020-未来を想像する難しさ), Seijo University, 4.30pm
**7/12, Kumiko Nemoto, Too Few Women at the Top: Japan’s Progress Toward Gender Equality at Work, Lakeland Shinjuku, 7pm
7/12 - David Lurie, "Will the Humanities Survive?", Waseda, 4.30pm
**7/12 - Symposium: Food culture in Japan in comparative perspective (海外から見た日本の食文化), Showa Women's University, 3.30pm
**7/13 - Ayelet Zovar, Tel Aviv University, "The Mud Man and The Butcher Lady: Body and Materiality in Yamashiro Chikako's Video Art", 6.30pm
**7/13 - Mari Yoshihara (Hawaii), "Dearest Lenny: Leonard Bernstein and U.S.-Japan Relations during the Cold War", Sophia, 11am
7/13 - 筆談資料から見た言文一致: 国語施策における日本の中国への影響, UTokyo Komaba, 5pm
**7/13 - Readings and Panel Discussion: "Distributed Centrality: Poetics of the Transpacific", Meiji University Nakano, 7pm
**7/14 - Alex Sigman, Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, "alarm/will/sound: Identification, Perception, Characterisation, and Interaction Design of Modified Car Alarm Systems"
**7/14 - Matthew Fuller, "In Praise of Plasticity", Geidai, 6pm
**7/14 - Todd Hall, "Considering emotions and international relations", Waseda, 12.20pm
**7/14 - Jakobina Arch (Whitman College), "The American Occupation and Whale Meat in Early Postwar Japan", Sophia University
**7/14 - Film Screening: Tsukiji Wonderland, with guest speakers, Sophia, 7pm
**7/14 - Julia Gerster, "Kizuna: The dynamics of social ties in post-disaster Japan: Impacts of the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and radiation, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
7/15 - Japanese Society for British Philosophy, 関東部会第99回研究例会, Keio Mita Campus
*7/15 - Jouji Fukahori, "The Unforgettable Tragedy of the A-bomb", Waseda University, 10.40am
**7/15 - "Assessing the child poverty based on experiences from EU and Japan", symposium at Hosei University, 1pm
7/15 - 江戸の読書方法と訓読文, UTokyo Komaba, 1pm
7/15 - Russian literature lecture 古代教会スラブ語のすすめ, Waseda, 3pm
*7/15 - Public Symposium: Arts and Theories in the Post-Media Era, University of the Arts, 1pm
**7/15 - Shirine Hamdeh (Rice University), "Fruits, Flowers, Rhymes and Fountains, and a Short History of Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century", Toyo Bunko, 5pm
**7/17 - Ana Maria Goy Yamamoto, "Is your lifestyle out of stock? Consumption patterns convergence in East Asia", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**7/18 - Laura Nenzi (Tennessee), "The Size of History Small Worlds, Big Worlds, and the People Caught in Between", Ochanomizu, 4.40pm
7/19 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
7/19 - Shimpei Endo (Amsterdam), "Irreflexive Similarity: Another Solution to the Sorites Paradox", TFAP
7/19 - Symposium: "The Government of Japan and Trump's America", Temple University Japan
7/20 - Seminar: Self-Determination Processes within the EU:The Catalan Case, Waseda, 2pm
7/20 - 中国影絵の世界 (The World of Chinese Shadow Painting), Waseda, 5.30pm
**7/20 - David Mervart (Madrid), "A Text as a Global Crossroads: Yamamura Saisuke’s Seiyō zakki (1801) and the Meme of a City on an Oxhide", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**7/20 - Sabine Frühstück, “… and my heart screams”: Children and the War of Emotions, Sophia Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
7/21 - Miguel Sosa, "Seven Ideas from Leonardo da Vinci for the Arts Industry Today", Geidai, 16.20
**7/21 - Rachel DiNitto (University of Oregon), From Fukushima to Katrina: Furukawa Hideo and the Regionality of Disaster Literature, Sophia, 6.30pm
7/22 - Soseki presentation (ホフマンと『猫』と漱石 / ロシア文学と漱石), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会, 3pm
7/22 - 日米人形交流の再検討-人形・交換・子ども (Symposium on Japanese dolls), Otsuma Women's University, 1pm
7/22 - 第3回 海外の日本文化研究—その動向と可能性— (Research into Japanese Culture Overseas), Symposium, Rikkyo University, 2pm
7/22 - 7/23 - D.H. Lawrence Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Toyo University
7/22 - 東アジアにおける抑圧されたモダニティー:王徳威との対話, University of Tokyo, 2pm
***7/22 - Adam Smith on Philosophy and Religion', Waseda University (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス北館1階会議室2), 2pm
**7/23 - "'Self-interest and Ambition in the Thought of Adam Ferguson", University of Tokyo Kojima Hall, 3pm
**7/23, Symposium “Image for the Northern Region in Early Modern Japan”, Hosei University, 1pm
**7/24 - "Researching Adam Smith's Library", University of Tokyo Kojima Hall, 3pm
7/24 - lecture by Matt Burney (Director, British Council Japan), "The role of soft power in building international understanding", Asiatic Society of Japan, Shibuya Kyōiku Gakuen, 6.30pm
**7/24 - Sabine Frühstück (U California), "Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Militarism in Modern Japan", UTokyo Hongo, 5pm
7/24 - 7/27 - Edhem ELDEM, Bogazici University, "Modernity, Westernization, Orientalism: Ottoman Cultural Transformation in the Long Nineteenth Century", TUFS
7/25 - Poetry and Dream: A Selection of Lyrical Short Films, Good Heavens Bar Shimokitazawa, 7pm
7/26 - Book Break: "The Tales of Ise" and "One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each" Translated by Peter J. MacMillan, Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**7/27 - Political Economy Tokyo Seminar, presentations on women and reading in fin-de-siecle Ireland and the International Red Cross and the Great War, 7.30pm
(Japanese) 7/28 - 7/29 - 3rd International Conference on Pre-Modern Japanese Texts (第3回 日本語の歴史的典籍国際研究集会), National Institute of Japanese Literature
7/28 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (41) – New Principles of the Keyboard”, Intermediatheque, 6pm
**7/29 - "Producing Traditions, Knowledge and Identities: Muslim Intellectuals in the Contemporary World", UTokyo IASA, 1pm
7/29 - (Japanese lecture) "The Joy of Waka and Tanka: Poems of Thirty-One Syllables", University of Tokyo, 2pm
7/29 - ことばをつなぐ、 文化をつなぐ ー 翻訳・通訳の役割と意義, Tsuda University, 14.40
7/30 - Fascism, Communism, and Music (ファシズム、共産主義と音楽), mini-symposium, Meiji Gakuin, 4pm
8/1 - 会沢正志斎における「神儒一致」思想, Waseda, 3pm
8/2 - Carl Gabrielson (JSPS research fellow, Hitotsubashi), "Not-so-Soft Power? Pop Culture and Security in Japan", Sogo Fukushi Kaikan Hall, 5.30pm
8/5 - Saeki Keishi, "What is Democracy?" (Japanese lecture), International House of Japan
8/9 - Fraser Trainer and Simon Haram, Workshop by British Musicians, British Council, 1pm
8/24 - 8/25 - Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment in Japan Annual Conference, Seisen University (https://www.asle-japan.org/)
8/29 - 8/31 - JACET annual conference ("English in a Globalized World: Exploring Lingua Franca Research and Pedagogy"), Aoyama Gakuin
**9/6 - Aoki Jun (Architect), Ajisaka Toru (Kagoshima University), Matsukuma Hiroshi (Kyoto Institute of Technology), ""What Modern Architecture Means to Us", International House of Japan, 12.45pm
9/14 - 中国教会の過去・現在・未来 (Past, Present and Future of the Church in China), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm
9/11 - 9/12 [KYOTO] - Japan Association for Digital Humanities "Creating Data Through Collaboration" conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto
9/23 - 9/24 - 30th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (Toyo University)
9/23 - 9/24 - British Royal Society Christmas Lectures, Tokyo Kogyo University
9/25 - Hidenori Kurakawa (Kanazawa University), presentation (title TBC) at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy (http://tf-ap.com/program/)
**9/26 - paper by Isidora Stojanovic (ENS) (title TBC) at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy (http://tf-ap.com/program/)
9/30 - Japan Caledonia Society Annual Conference, Ritsumeikan University
10/7 - Dickens Society of Japan Autumn Conference, UTokyo Komaba (http://www.dickens.jp/agm.html)
10/8 - 10/9 - Japan Writers Conference, Nihon University College of Art (Edoka Campus)
10/14 - Japan Bronte Society Annual Conference, Chuo University Tama Campus (http://brontesociety.jp/). CFP deadline: 2017/4/21
10/17 - Ambeth R. Ocampo, "Memory and Amnesia: Japan-Philippines Relations Reconsidered", IHJ, 7pm
10/21 - 10/22 - Japan Association of English Romanticism 43rd Annual Conference, Senshu University (Ikuta Campus)
**10/21 - Madeline H. Caviness, 14世紀ドイツ法書(ザクセン・シュピーゲル)に描かれた女性とマイノリティー, Japan Academy, 2pm
10/28 - 10/29 - Research meeting on connecting children with literature ("Only Connect? ―子どもと本をつなぐ―"), Japan Society for Children's Literature in English
10/28 - English Literary Society of Japan Kanto Branch meeting, Chuo University
11/11 - 11/12 - 第41回国際日本文学研究集会, National Institute of Japanese Literature
11/12 - Joseph Conrad Society of Japan annual conference, Tokyo Women's Medical University
11/18 - 11/19 - Hemingway Society of Japan Annual Conference, CANVAS Shinkawa (東京 ユビキタス協創広場 CANVAS)
11/18 - Iris Murdoch Society of Japan Annual Conference, Aoyama Gakuin
**11/24 - 11/25 - "Pacific Gateways" international travel writing symposium, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
**11/29 - Rob Sinclair (Soka) presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo (tbc)
12/2 - 12/3 - Japan Society for Medieval English Studies (日本中世英語英文学会) annual conference, Rikkyo University (http://www.jsmes.jp/)
12/2 - George Eliot Society of Japan Annual Conference, Daito Bunka U Itabashi Campus (http://www.g-eliot.jp/taikai.htm)
12/2 - Japan Shelley Research Centre 26th Annual Meeting, University of Tokyo, "The Scientific Shelleys" (http://prometheus-shelleys.org/activities/current/)
12/2 - Oscar Wilde Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Keio University
12/9 - Milton Association of Japan Annual Meeting (location tbc)
12/16 - Global Educational Situations around PISA and the Future of Japan: Cultural Politics of International Academic Tests, ICU-Sophia International Symposium, 10am
2018/3/28 - 2018/3/29 - Japan Society for British Philosophy conference, Musashino University
7/1 - Workshop on "Contemporary Crises in the Asia-Pacific", Sophia University
7/1 - Japan Association of English Romanticism lecture series, Japan Women's University, 2pm
**7/1 - Keith Hanley (Lancaster), “Laurence Binyon: Romantic Modernist and the Invention of Japan”, 11am (Room 2, 4th Floor, Building 18, Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo)
7/1 - Tokyo Poetry Journal Vol. 4 Launch Party, Tokyo Salon (Omotesando), 7pm
7/1 - 7/2 - Tokyo Workshop on Social and Collective Self-Conscious Emotions, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus
7/2 - Avi Schlaim and Khalil Nakhleh, "The Influence of the Occupation in 1967 to the Present", UTokyo, 1pm
7/3 - 程 正 先生 (仏教学部教授)「英蔵敦煌文献から発見された禅籍について―S6980以降を中心に―」, Komazawa University, 4.20pm
7/3 - 「イスラーム圏における簿記史料の通時的・共時的研究」2017年度第3回研究会, Toyo Bunko, 5pm
7/3 - Haruko Wakabayashi (Princeton), Visualizing Hungry Ghosts in Heian Japan: *Gaki zōshi *as a Transcultural Adaptation of *Zhengfa nianchu jing*, University of Tokyo, 5pm
7/3 - Hanna H. Kim, "Embedded Meanings and Relations: Reckoning Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple Complexes Through Material and Devotional Tracings", TUFS, 6.30pm
7/4 - 堀江 敏幸 氏,「言葉との出会い、言葉とのすれちがい」, Komazawa University, 4.30pm
**7/4 - Nick Prior, "‘It Doesn’t Take a Human to Sing a Good Song’: Assembling the Layers of Hatsune Miku", UTokyo Hongo (Faculty of Engineering Building 2 (工学2号館), Room 92B), 1pm
**7/4 - Sharalyn Orbaugh, "Japan and its Colonies in the Fifteen Year War: how propaganda kamishibai was used to reconcile naichi and gaichi", Rikkyo, 6.30pm
**7/4 - Jane H. Yamashiro, "Redefining Japaneseness: Japanese Americans in the Ancestral Homeland", Temple University ICAS, 7.30pm
7/4, Li Ji Cang, The Future of Sino-Japanese Relations Seen from Tanigawa Michio’s Research in Chinese History - Cultural Exchange and Intellectual Thoughts, IHJ, 6.30pm
7/4 - (Turkish and Japanese) "オスマン帝国史研究会", Meiji University, 5.15pm
7/4 - ナンダ・コート初登頂80周年記念事業 (Documentary and talk commemorating the scaling of the Nanda Kot peak in 1936), Rikkyo, 5pm
7/4 - チロンバートル教授, モンゴル国のキリスト教の現状 (Christianity in Mongolia), J.F. Oberlin University, 3pm
until 7/2 - "The Sophisticated Women and Men of Edo as Seen in Their Kimonos and Accessories", Tobacco and Salt Museum
until 7/2 - The Art of Eric Carle, Setagaya Art Museum
until 7/2 - "The Woodcut World of Asano Takeji", Fuchu Art Museum
until 7/2 - Technique and Expression in Traditional Japanese Art: Decorated Papers, Nezu Museum
until 7/2 - Exhibition on "Bruegel's ‘The Tower of Babel'", Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (http://www.tobikan.jp/en/exhibition/h29_babel.html) (also see this exhibition at Geidai)
until 7/2 - あゝ新宿 アングラ×ストリート×ジャズ展 (Shinjuku exhibition), Waseda
**7/5 - Thomas Mormann (University of the Basque Country), "From Chaos to Reality: How Carnap Built Worlds in the 1920s" presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytic Philosophy, UTokyo, 5pm
**7/5 - Khalil Nakhleh, "Whither the 'Peace Process'? Towards reconstruction of Palestinian society", TUFS, 6.30pm
**7/5 - Chunjie Zhang, "The Reception of Chinese Gardens in 18th Century England and Germany", University of Tokyo, 5.30pm
**7/5 - Robert H. Sharf, Knowing Blue: Ābhidharmika Accounts of Non-Conceptual Sense Perception, (「青の認識 : 非概念的感官知のアビダルマ的説明」) Waseda, 5pm
**7/5 - Sakura Aoyama, "Fashion and jewellery of the early 20th century, as seen in Downton Abbey", Japan-Britain Society, 12pm
**7/6 - Michael Plugh (Manhattan College), "Born Again Yokozuna: Sports Media and National Identity", Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
7/6 - Chuo University "Bun Cafe" (Literature Cafe) "歴史ですが、それで?", 3.15pm
**7/6 - Michael Prieler, Hallym University, "Gender Representations in East Asian Television Advertisements: Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea", DIJ Tokyo, 6.30pm
**7/6 - John-Paul Salter (KCL), “The new UK-EU relations: The Brexit negotiations after the General Election of 8 June”, Waseda, 10.40am
**7/7 - "The Seventh Sense: Love Songs from the Erotic Orbits: A Celebration of Tanabata", Warehouse Terrada
7/7 - マライ・メントライン,ドイツ vs 日本 マンガ文化 教養権威国家の葛藤 その現状をさぐる, Waseda, 4.30pm
**7/7 - Peter Robinson with Miki Iwata, "Transcultural Exchanges: Poetry and Translation", Rikkyo University, 6.30pm
7/7 - Claire Rodier, "欧州難民危機の虚像と現実" (European migration crisis myths and reality), Komazawa, 6pm
7/7 - 7/9 - "Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage : Local Communities, Researchers, States and UNESCO", Seijo University
**7/7 - 7/8 - 21st Asian Studies Conference Japan, Rikkyo University (http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~ascj/)
7/8 - 7/9 - "Beyond Sustainable Architecture and Smart City: Re-Humanization of Urban Spaces. Symposium & Workshop", Italian Institute of Culture
7/8 - "クザーヌスの神化思想について" (The Apotheosis of Nicholas of Cusa), Waseda University, 1pm
7/8 - F. Scott Fitzgerald Society of Japan Annual Conference, Kyorin University, 12pm
7/8 - オスマン史研究会第6回定例大会, TUFS, 2pm
**7/8 - Workshop on "Deconstructing Insularity: The Pacific as a 'Sea of Islands'", Rikkyo University
7/8 - Catherine Butler (Cardiff), 日本のアニメに描かれたイギリス:真実、虚構、ファンタジー (Britain in Anime: Truth, Fiction, and Fantasy), International Library of Children's Literature, 2pm
7/8 - Symposium: 文化史上の源氏物語 (Genji Monogatari from the view of cultural history), Ochanomizu, 1pm
7/8 - Samuel Beckett Research Circle of Japan conference, Tokyo Institute of Technology Ookayama Campus, 1pm
7/8 - 7/9 - 日本民俗学国際シンポジウム (Japan Folklore International Symposium), Seijo University
7/9 - Film screening: "Sayama: Till the Invisible Handcuffs Are Unlocked" (みえない手錠をはずすまで), dir. Kim Sung Woong, Sophia University, 6pm
7/9 - One-day workshop: "Transformation of Ottoman Society During the Eighteenth Century", Toyo Bunko, 10.30am
**7/9 - “Considering the Past and Present of Palestine/Israel: 100 Years after the Balfour Declaration and 50 Years after the Occupation 1967”, TUFS, 2pm
7/10 - Takahiro Yamamoto, 'A lame effort'?: Meiji Japan's response to foreign fur animal hunters in the Kuril Islands, UTokyo, 5pm
**7/10 - Petrice R. Flowers, "Human Rights Networking in Japan", J.F. Oberlin, 4.10pm
**7/10 - Forum: "Creating a Society for Female Participation with the Support of Men", GRIPS, 16.40
**7/11 - Patrick Cammaert, “Challenges to Peacekeeping in the 21st Century”, United Nations University, 6.30pm
7/12 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 5pm
**7/12 - Ran Zwigenberg (Pennsylvania State University), "Japan's Modern Castles: Reclaiming the Past and Proclaiming the Future", Temple University Japan, 7.30pm
7/12 - セクシュアル・マイノリティの暮らしの困りごと~まずは知ることから~, Meiji Gakuin, 18.30
7/12 - 7/13 - TUFS Summer Seminar 2017: "Language, Literature, Society: Constructive Approach to International Japanese Studies", with postgraduate workshop
7/12 - Tobuken Seminar "Japonya'da Sohbet-i Osmaniye-5", University of Tokyo, 5.30pm
**7/12 - Erez Golani Solomon, "2020 : Difficulties Imagining the Future"(2020-未来を想像する難しさ), Seijo University, 4.30pm
**7/12, Kumiko Nemoto, Too Few Women at the Top: Japan’s Progress Toward Gender Equality at Work, Lakeland Shinjuku, 7pm
7/12 - David Lurie, "Will the Humanities Survive?", Waseda, 4.30pm
**7/12 - Symposium: Food culture in Japan in comparative perspective (海外から見た日本の食文化), Showa Women's University, 3.30pm
**7/13 - Ayelet Zovar, Tel Aviv University, "The Mud Man and The Butcher Lady: Body and Materiality in Yamashiro Chikako's Video Art", 6.30pm
**7/13 - Mari Yoshihara (Hawaii), "Dearest Lenny: Leonard Bernstein and U.S.-Japan Relations during the Cold War", Sophia, 11am
7/13 - 筆談資料から見た言文一致: 国語施策における日本の中国への影響, UTokyo Komaba, 5pm
**7/13 - Readings and Panel Discussion: "Distributed Centrality: Poetics of the Transpacific", Meiji University Nakano, 7pm
**7/14 - Alex Sigman, Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo, "alarm/will/sound: Identification, Perception, Characterisation, and Interaction Design of Modified Car Alarm Systems"
**7/14 - Matthew Fuller, "In Praise of Plasticity", Geidai, 6pm
**7/14 - Todd Hall, "Considering emotions and international relations", Waseda, 12.20pm
**7/14 - Jakobina Arch (Whitman College), "The American Occupation and Whale Meat in Early Postwar Japan", Sophia University
**7/14 - Film Screening: Tsukiji Wonderland, with guest speakers, Sophia, 7pm
**7/14 - Julia Gerster, "Kizuna: The dynamics of social ties in post-disaster Japan: Impacts of the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and radiation, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
7/15 - Japanese Society for British Philosophy, 関東部会第99回研究例会, Keio Mita Campus
*7/15 - Jouji Fukahori, "The Unforgettable Tragedy of the A-bomb", Waseda University, 10.40am
**7/15 - "Assessing the child poverty based on experiences from EU and Japan", symposium at Hosei University, 1pm
7/15 - 江戸の読書方法と訓読文, UTokyo Komaba, 1pm
7/15 - Russian literature lecture 古代教会スラブ語のすすめ, Waseda, 3pm
*7/15 - Public Symposium: Arts and Theories in the Post-Media Era, University of the Arts, 1pm
**7/15 - Shirine Hamdeh (Rice University), "Fruits, Flowers, Rhymes and Fountains, and a Short History of Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century", Toyo Bunko, 5pm
**7/17 - Ana Maria Goy Yamamoto, "Is your lifestyle out of stock? Consumption patterns convergence in East Asia", Sophia University, 6.30pm
**7/18 - Laura Nenzi (Tennessee), "The Size of History Small Worlds, Big Worlds, and the People Caught in Between", Ochanomizu, 4.40pm
7/19 - Trans-Asian Humanities Seminar, University of Tokyo Centre for Philosophy, 3pm
7/19 - Shimpei Endo (Amsterdam), "Irreflexive Similarity: Another Solution to the Sorites Paradox", TFAP
7/19 - Symposium: "The Government of Japan and Trump's America", Temple University Japan
7/20 - Seminar: Self-Determination Processes within the EU:The Catalan Case, Waseda, 2pm
7/20 - 中国影絵の世界 (The World of Chinese Shadow Painting), Waseda, 5.30pm
**7/20 - David Mervart (Madrid), "A Text as a Global Crossroads: Yamamura Saisuke’s Seiyō zakki (1801) and the Meme of a City on an Oxhide", UTokyo IASA, 5pm
**7/20 - Sabine Frühstück, “… and my heart screams”: Children and the War of Emotions, Sophia Institute of Comparative Culture, 6.30pm
7/21 - Miguel Sosa, "Seven Ideas from Leonardo da Vinci for the Arts Industry Today", Geidai, 16.20
**7/21 - Rachel DiNitto (University of Oregon), From Fukushima to Katrina: Furukawa Hideo and the Regionality of Disaster Literature, Sophia, 6.30pm
7/22 - Soseki presentation (ホフマンと『猫』と漱石 / ロシア文学と漱石), Society of World Literature, 中央大学駿河台記念会, 3pm
7/22 - 日米人形交流の再検討-人形・交換・子ども (Symposium on Japanese dolls), Otsuma Women's University, 1pm
7/22 - 第3回 海外の日本文化研究—その動向と可能性— (Research into Japanese Culture Overseas), Symposium, Rikkyo University, 2pm
7/22 - 7/23 - D.H. Lawrence Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Toyo University
7/22 - 東アジアにおける抑圧されたモダニティー:王徳威との対話, University of Tokyo, 2pm
***7/22 - Adam Smith on Philosophy and Religion', Waseda University (慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス北館1階会議室2), 2pm
**7/23 - "'Self-interest and Ambition in the Thought of Adam Ferguson", University of Tokyo Kojima Hall, 3pm
**7/23, Symposium “Image for the Northern Region in Early Modern Japan”, Hosei University, 1pm
**7/24 - "Researching Adam Smith's Library", University of Tokyo Kojima Hall, 3pm
7/24 - lecture by Matt Burney (Director, British Council Japan), "The role of soft power in building international understanding", Asiatic Society of Japan, Shibuya Kyōiku Gakuen, 6.30pm
**7/24 - Sabine Frühstück (U California), "Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Militarism in Modern Japan", UTokyo Hongo, 5pm
7/24 - 7/27 - Edhem ELDEM, Bogazici University, "Modernity, Westernization, Orientalism: Ottoman Cultural Transformation in the Long Nineteenth Century", TUFS
7/25 - Poetry and Dream: A Selection of Lyrical Short Films, Good Heavens Bar Shimokitazawa, 7pm
7/26 - Book Break: "The Tales of Ise" and "One Hundred Poets, One Poem Each" Translated by Peter J. MacMillan, Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan, 6.15pm
**7/27 - Political Economy Tokyo Seminar, presentations on women and reading in fin-de-siecle Ireland and the International Red Cross and the Great War, 7.30pm
(Japanese) 7/28 - 7/29 - 3rd International Conference on Pre-Modern Japanese Texts (第3回 日本語の歴史的典籍国際研究集会), National Institute of Japanese Literature
7/28 - Gramophone Concert “Jazz Summit (41) – New Principles of the Keyboard”, Intermediatheque, 6pm
**7/29 - "Producing Traditions, Knowledge and Identities: Muslim Intellectuals in the Contemporary World", UTokyo IASA, 1pm
7/29 - (Japanese lecture) "The Joy of Waka and Tanka: Poems of Thirty-One Syllables", University of Tokyo, 2pm
7/29 - ことばをつなぐ、 文化をつなぐ ー 翻訳・通訳の役割と意義, Tsuda University, 14.40
7/30 - Fascism, Communism, and Music (ファシズム、共産主義と音楽), mini-symposium, Meiji Gakuin, 4pm
8/1 - 会沢正志斎における「神儒一致」思想, Waseda, 3pm
8/2 - Carl Gabrielson (JSPS research fellow, Hitotsubashi), "Not-so-Soft Power? Pop Culture and Security in Japan", Sogo Fukushi Kaikan Hall, 5.30pm
8/5 - Saeki Keishi, "What is Democracy?" (Japanese lecture), International House of Japan
8/9 - Fraser Trainer and Simon Haram, Workshop by British Musicians, British Council, 1pm
8/24 - 8/25 - Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment in Japan Annual Conference, Seisen University (https://www.asle-japan.org/)
8/29 - 8/31 - JACET annual conference ("English in a Globalized World: Exploring Lingua Franca Research and Pedagogy"), Aoyama Gakuin
**9/6 - Aoki Jun (Architect), Ajisaka Toru (Kagoshima University), Matsukuma Hiroshi (Kyoto Institute of Technology), ""What Modern Architecture Means to Us", International House of Japan, 12.45pm
9/14 - 中国教会の過去・現在・未来 (Past, Present and Future of the Church in China), Meiji Gakuin, 3pm
9/11 - 9/12 [KYOTO] - Japan Association for Digital Humanities "Creating Data Through Collaboration" conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto
9/23 - 9/24 - 30th Annual Conference of The Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (Toyo University)
9/23 - 9/24 - British Royal Society Christmas Lectures, Tokyo Kogyo University
9/25 - Hidenori Kurakawa (Kanazawa University), presentation (title TBC) at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy (http://tf-ap.com/program/)
**9/26 - paper by Isidora Stojanovic (ENS) (title TBC) at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy (http://tf-ap.com/program/)
9/30 - Japan Caledonia Society Annual Conference, Ritsumeikan University
10/7 - Dickens Society of Japan Autumn Conference, UTokyo Komaba (http://www.dickens.jp/agm.html)
10/8 - 10/9 - Japan Writers Conference, Nihon University College of Art (Edoka Campus)
10/14 - Japan Bronte Society Annual Conference, Chuo University Tama Campus (http://brontesociety.jp/). CFP deadline: 2017/4/21
10/17 - Ambeth R. Ocampo, "Memory and Amnesia: Japan-Philippines Relations Reconsidered", IHJ, 7pm
10/21 - 10/22 - Japan Association of English Romanticism 43rd Annual Conference, Senshu University (Ikuta Campus)
**10/21 - Madeline H. Caviness, 14世紀ドイツ法書(ザクセン・シュピーゲル)に描かれた女性とマイノリティー, Japan Academy, 2pm
10/28 - 10/29 - Research meeting on connecting children with literature ("Only Connect? ―子どもと本をつなぐ―"), Japan Society for Children's Literature in English
10/28 - English Literary Society of Japan Kanto Branch meeting, Chuo University
11/11 - 11/12 - 第41回国際日本文学研究集会, National Institute of Japanese Literature
11/12 - Joseph Conrad Society of Japan annual conference, Tokyo Women's Medical University
11/18 - 11/19 - Hemingway Society of Japan Annual Conference, CANVAS Shinkawa (東京 ユビキタス協創広場 CANVAS)
11/18 - Iris Murdoch Society of Japan Annual Conference, Aoyama Gakuin
**11/24 - 11/25 - "Pacific Gateways" international travel writing symposium, University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
**11/29 - Rob Sinclair (Soka) presentation at Tokyo Forum for Analytical Philosophy, UTokyo (tbc)
12/2 - 12/3 - Japan Society for Medieval English Studies (日本中世英語英文学会) annual conference, Rikkyo University (http://www.jsmes.jp/)
12/2 - George Eliot Society of Japan Annual Conference, Daito Bunka U Itabashi Campus (http://www.g-eliot.jp/taikai.htm)
12/2 - Japan Shelley Research Centre 26th Annual Meeting, University of Tokyo, "The Scientific Shelleys" (http://prometheus-shelleys.org/activities/current/)
12/2 - Oscar Wilde Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Keio University
12/9 - Milton Association of Japan Annual Meeting (location tbc)
12/16 - Global Educational Situations around PISA and the Future of Japan: Cultural Politics of International Academic Tests, ICU-Sophia International Symposium, 10am
2018/3/28 - 2018/3/29 - Japan Society for British Philosophy conference, Musashino University